• Sets and SPs

    This past Monday I got my first day on a Toronto set in years, and it was…a lot of things. When I was doing the back and forth for Reign, it was my first experience with knowing the names of some of the ADs, and also having them know mine. When I checked in at my call time, the girl didn’t have to ask me my name, she just highlighted it and handed me my voucher. This was followed by years of background in Montreal until finally, this past Spring, I got them to know me. I spent the summer being one of the people whose name the AD knows,…

  • Bring on the Emotion

    This month I worked on the drama. In class, all of my scenes had hurt and sadness, and there were lots of them. I got to be in class for the first two Mondays, and my scene was from This Is Us, a show I love to watch. My scene partner wasn’t there the first week, so I did a cold read with someone else. I loved the scene, but had to concentrate on not imitating Mandy Moore. We do share a first name, but we are not the same person. On Tuesdays, my scene is from a new show, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, that I have never seen. This…

  • CUTV shoot :)

    In line with my newfound determination to get out there and make friends and be helpful and volunteer whenever someone needs help, I ended up being a part of a new promo series for CUTV (Concordia University’s student run TV network). They were looking for someone during a particular time frame and even though I was working that day, I offered to come after instead of dismissing it as something I couldn’t do. I’m not saying I got the part as a last resort because they had absolutely no one else, but I wouldn’t argue with that statement either. I rushed there once I was done working at McGill, sort…

  • Hello 2017 :)

    2016 has definitely changed me, especially as far as how I see myself and how I am putting myself out into the world. I plan on continuing to live outside of my ever-expanding comfort zone, and my word (or intention) for the year is going to be CONFIDENCE. Out of all the things holding me back in my life and in my career, my lack of confidence is certainly at the top. Here are my 2017 resolutions: Read all of Shakespeare I started going through the plays last year when I was studying in London, but I haven’t finished all of them. And I have the complete works, so might…

  • Trust that it's there

    Audition class is both the easiest, and the hardest. It is easy because at this point, we should know our lines and have done all the work, but we are also expected to improve on what we’ve learnt, and do better than the explorations of the previous weeks. Last night, my goal was to be able to cry. Unlike other times when I have ignored crying stage directions, I actually put in a solid effort. I did lots of research and tried different things. A lot of sites mention practice, like training a muscle, but I also suffer from allergies, and didn’t want to add to the irritation on my…

  • Moving on Up

    Last night I did my third scene from Gilmore Girls, but it was the first time that I got to play Rory. I actually did a scene as Lane in my first month with Suzanna, right after having played Shoshanna from Girls. Both scenes were about how they’ve never had sex, which made me worry I might have been typecast. Now, years later, we are doing a scene where I just lost my virginity, and my mom does not like it. With reason, but I’m not ready to see that yet. There were only 4 of us in class this week, so Tamara and I went first, after running our…

  • 6 Weeks Until the New Year!

    I have always found it odd that as soon as Halloween is over, we jump right into Christmas. Normally, the transition comes more gradually for me; I count down until my final exam, and then it becomes all about Christmas. This year, I don’t have any exams, or a trip to LA to count down to, so I sort of got caught in the holiday mentality. Not so much Christmas, because I need snow to really feel like it’s Christmastime, but something in my brain switched and told me it was vacation time. Luckily, with Christmas comes the New Year, which reminded me of all my resolutions, so the vacation…