On Set Yoga
Once I had shared my 30 by 30 list with my father, he handed me a flyer for a blood drive at our local mall that started last Wednesday. Wasting no time, we headed over so I could sign up, get my pin, answer all of the nurse’s questions, and then fail when it got to the blood test. Apparently, my iron level is really low, so they won’t let me give blood. Instead, the nurse gave me a flyer with a list of foods I should be eating more of in order to increase my iron. So, still have 30 left to do, and Iron Man I am not.…
Back from NYC :)
I just spent an awesome weekend in New York City with my cousins. It was kind of cold and snowing, so we didn’t visit all the things we had planned, but we did get to see some major landmarks, hang out in Times Square and saw a Broadway play. It was On The Town, which I hadn’t heard of, and didn’t know anyone from the cast, but my cousin said it looked funny, and I actually really enjoyed it. We all did. We spent the night at McGee’s, the bar that inspired Maclaren’s from How I Met Your Mother. It was my cousin’s one requirement for the trip, that we…
A World of Possibilities
Carolyne and I were discussing the ups and downs of our chosen career path, and we came to the conclusion that often, our optimism is determined not by all the amazing work we have already done, but by whether we have any future projects booked. Being on set is amazing, but knowing that you’ll be coming back and having another opportunity to act…that’s what convinces you you’re on the right track 🙂 Luckily for me, I am currently in the phase where I think that the world is full of possibilities. And I refuse to hear otherwise. Last Tuesday I had an audition and a call back. The audition was…
Surprise Auditions and Getting Ready
So last week, pretty much exactly when I finished the last blog post, I got an email requesting me to come to an audition that evening. It came from a girl I had submitted to in July, for something completely different, and hadn’t heard from since. Sometimes it amazes me how some auditions come to be. The audition was for a teenager, which is in my playing range, but I was the only one there who drove myself and didn’t have a parent waiting with me. Since it is for a commercial thing and not a show, I think they might actually be looking for someone that young looking, although…
Busy as a Bee
I haven’t written in forever, which is partially because I have been busy, but mostly because there are two things that I wanted to figure out before sharing with you. Since they still haven’t been resolved, I decided to post what I can, and to give you the rest once I have all of the information. Since it has been quite a while, I won’t give you the day by day summaries I normally do, but will just let you know what has been going on with me (for the most part). I have had two classes with Suzanna. During the first one, I got to do 3 different scenes!…