• An Exciting Month

    We’re secure! By that, I mean that there is a little lock icon beside the website url because I fixed the security issue and people should be able to find the blog again. Amanda 1, Technology 0, right? This past month has been pretty consistent as far as working for the gym and doing Jiu-Jitsu classes, doing background as a high school student and living a multitude of lives as a standardized patient. There’s also some new/exciting things happening. For starters, I turned 29 and celebrated and had a wonderful time. Then I realized I only have one year left to accomplish my 30 by 30, and slightly panicked. But…

  • 2018

    In 2018, I resolve to act, write, and go out to do something every day. I resolve to work at least 40 hours every week on my career. I absolutely loved having CONFIDENCE as my word for 2017, and would want to keep it for this year as well, but I think you’re not supposed to, so I am going with COURAGE. As in have the courage to go up and talk to that person, to ask for help, to chase after my dreams, to do the things that scare me, to not be afraid to fail, because at least it means I’m trying. Most of all, the COURAGE to…

  • Nanowrimo 2016

    This was my third time participating in, and winning Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) where you commit to writing 50 000 words during the month of November. I am what the Nano community calls a Plotter, meaning that I have my story pretty much figured out before November 1st rolls around. Other people, called Pantsers, might have a general idea, but they don’t necessarily know where the story is going. I have not only done the November challenges, but the April and July ones as well, referred to as Camp Nano, where you choose how many words you write. Every time, I have gone in knowing the people in the…

  • Another 50 000

    No, not money. Although that would be lovely. Instead, today marks the end of my second November participating in the National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO) 🙂 I was going to post throughout the month with updates, but ultimately decided to put the words into my story instead of into talking about the story. Which leads to me having been able to finish another novel in a month. Or, a novella. Still, a major accomplishment for someone who hadn’t been able to finish more than a play within a story before last year. I now have two NANOs and two Camp NANOs under my belt. My next mission is to edit…

  • The Second Draft

    I am a really big fan of 5 year plans and lists, which you can tell because I am always posting them. A few days ago I made a 5 year plan that ends with me living and working as an actress in Los Angeles. I am fully aware that it might take longer for certain things to happen, to jump certain tiers, but it is incredibly exciting to think that it could be possible, and that as long as I keep hustling, some day I will end up there. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Over the past few weeks, I have been working on writing a second draft of the book I wrote…

  • I Caught the Bouquet :)

    It has been a crazy couple of weeks, which is why this post has been a long time coming, but I will try and fill you in on all the exciting things I have been doing 🙂 First off, I finished the 30 day challenge, having exercised for at least 25 minutes every day in October. Technically, I am 31 for 31, but I would like to try it again, perhaps in January, combined with some fitness goals, like so many push ups or pull ups and so on. We will see if I can convince anyone to join that with me. As far as my other October goals, they…