• Testing my RP

    If you remember, a while ago I asked Suzanna if she could maybe find me a scene where I could work on my British accent (RP). This week, my scene partner couldn’t make it to our usual class time, so she found me a new scene, from Bridesmaids, where I got to be British 🙂 It was a short and easy, hilarious scene, but I could feel my heart pounding and the nerves building up the whole time I was filming and being on book for the other scenes. For some reason, even Suzanna’s confidence that I was well-prepared and had the accent down pat made me even more nervous.…

  • Multiple Personality Disorder

    Yes, I know it is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (I was a psych major, after all) and no, I don’t have it. But yesterday I did get to live the lives of 8 different characters, albeit for short periods of time, not counting the lines and monologues I use for vocal exercises. It just so happened that before I even got to Suzanna’s class, I had 3 self tapes to do at home. I am planning on doing Bonnie’s Self-Tape Challenge this month, to flex those acting muscles, but these self-tapes were auditions done at home for actual parts, which is always exciting. At first, it was just my…

  • Another Year Older

    Since we are a year into my 30 by 30 list, I thought I would write a little post to fill you in on how that has been going 🙂 I have knit a baby blanket, and will be starting a new one tomorrow, as soon as I have bought some more yarn. Now that I know that I can, I definitely want to knit a blanket every time that someone close to me is having a baby. I spent a few really lovely days in New Orleans while on a road trip last Spring with my parents. Really cool to see the city in real life rather than on…

  • The Last Classes

    This week was the end of our regular classes at LAMDA. We still have rehearsals, our Tragedies  and a final movement project on the last day, but our class groups and regularly scheduled classes are all over. This semester is truly coming to an end…. Monday was pretty intense, with some people having to present in every single class. Luckily, all I had to worry about in voice was circles of attention, and watching other people do their monologues. In Debbie’s class, we presented our duologues, with Lucy and I going first (because I asked, I always ask now). It went pretty well, except for a moment near the end,…

  • My fifth week at LAMDA :)

    So maybe it wasn’t the best idea to sign up for a semester highly focused on Shakespeare when I have no idea what iambic pentameter is. In my defense, I have been very vocal about letting everyone know that I am completely at a loss when it comes to this concept. This week, I found out that everyone assumed I had learnt it and just didn’t really get it, as opposed to: I went to French school and we never learnt Shakespeare or Iambic Pentameter! Luckily George made it a learning exercise by having students explain to me, then the exercise for them to get a better understanding of it…

  • JEDI – Just Effing Do It

    This week was really interesting as far as classes were concerned. Mostly because I learnt a valuable lesson. Or at least put it into practice. Thanks to Bonnie Gillespie for the awesome acronym 😉 You see, I truly embraced the concept of not hesitating and just doing it, even if I’m not ready and even if it scares me. Actually, especially if it scares me. On Monday, we were working on qualities, and one of the activities was a staple of drama schools, where you pretend to be an inanimate object. In this case, leaves. I was in a group of 4, but all the other groups had 3, so…