• Making Plans and Finishing Screenplays :)

    If you say something enough times, it becomes true, right? Well, just in case there is a correlation, I am reminding the powers that be that 2014 has been dubbed The Year of Carolyne and Amanda. We met up on Wednesday partially to celebrate some audition and imdb success, but mostly to plan out exactly how we will make 2014 our year. We compared goals, found the ones that were the same, and came away with a list of things each of us had to research before the new year. We each still have our own personal goals, but I find it’s a lot easier to drag yourself to do…

  • Self-tapes and Credits :)

    As my chocolate countdown to Christmas gets on its way, I am also realizing how close January 1st is, with so much to do, but I remain optimistic. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, right? After my last blog post, I spent the day checking things off of my to-do list. I have one for every week until the New Year, and so far I have been mostly finishing them (except for a few things that really had arbitrary deadlines). I worked on learning a second monologue, in case I get a meeting with an agent and need one. I made a list of casting directors I would like…

  • My First Callback !

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Halloween season 🙂 I have been learning lines, baking muffins and working on my screenplay, in addition to a few pretty awesome developments. Friday night, I had stunt class, with a big deal stunt coordinator joining in. The ‘warm up’ before class seemed to last forever and my body was screaming out in agony and protest, but the class itself more than made up for it. Most of the class got everything pretty quickly, so the few of us who were a little slower got to have the expert supervision and advice of the stunt coordinator. I got to do cartwheels and handstands, parcours and…