My First Callback !

Hope everyone is enjoying their Halloween season 🙂 I have been learning lines, baking muffins and working on my screenplay, in addition to a few pretty awesome developments.

Friday night, I had stunt class, with a big deal stunt coordinator joining in. The ‘warm up’ before class seemed to last forever and my body was screaming out in agony and protest, but the class itself more than made up for it. Most of the class got everything pretty quickly, so the few of us who were a little slower got to have the expert supervision and advice of the stunt coordinator. I got to do cartwheels and handstands, parcours and somersaults. Not to mention my first ever front flip, off a trampoline to be precise. I had to go tiny step by tiny step, but the instructors took the time to humor me until I finally made it. Really proud of myself for a very successful class! Although, note to self, maybe try stretching after class before driving home, because I have spent the weekend having lots of trouble going up, or especially down stairs. Walking in general hasn’t been too pleasant either…

On Saturday morning, I had an audition. I have already mentioned my tendency to under-prepare for roles I really want, so I can pretend I didn’t get the role, not because I wasn’t good enough, but because I didn’t rehearse or work on it enough. This audition on Saturday was for a project I would really love to be a part of. I love the story and the script and the character I would play. I told Carolyne about my self-sabotage fear, so she told me I had to overcome that. I had to know my lines backwards and blow them away. We even decided what outfit I would wear.

The sides had 2 cue cards worth of a voice over, and 5 cue cards of dialogue (yes, I write out all of my scenes on cue cards). Come Saturday morning, I knew them both by heart, but wanted to make sure by going through the scene a few times with my dad before leaving. In the process, I accidentally forgot the voice over scene’s cue cards in my dad’s room. This meant that I got to the audition with nothing but my brain to remember a monologue. I had a split second of panic when I was supposed to start, but then as soon as I said the first few words, I went with it. I knew it was a voice over, but I went for it, telling the guy in front of me the story that he had written. He hadn’t expected anyone to memorize the voice over.

As for the actual scene, we did it once, with me just holding the cue cards, then he gave me more backstory, and a few adjustments, so I put the cue cards on the floor and went for it.

I walked out of the audition, after running into a fellow actor friend at the door, feeling really confident. Not that I would get the part, because I don’t know who else auditioned, if I am what they are looking for or whatnot, but I was confident that I had given it my all, and that if I don’t get the part, it will not be because I didn’t work hard enough. I am always being told that you should see an audition not as a chance to get a part, but as a chance to act, to live a life and do what you love. I don’t think I have ever wanted a part that I was auditioning for as much as this one, but for the first time, I just enjoyed living the life instead of worrying about getting the part 🙂


Saturday night I had a Halloween Party to go to, with a whole lot of family, as well as Carolyne 🙂 I am still working on becoming a social butterfly, but I mingled, I struck up conversations and I had an amazing time with everyone there 🙂

Last night I got a call for an audition in Toronto, but they will let me self-tape since I am in Montreal. As far as the sides I was given go, I really like my character and can’t wait to put her on tape 🙂

This morning, I got an email telling me I am wanted for a callback for the audition I went to on Saturday. I am trying not to get my hopes up, or worry about a getting a part, but the excitement is not dissipating, and I can’t wait to live her life again, hopefully for more than just a callback 😉

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”

-Babe Ruth

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