• Multiple Personality Disorder

    Yes, I know it is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (I was a psych major, after all) and no, I don’t have it. But yesterday I did get to live the lives of 8 different characters, albeit for short periods of time, not counting the lines and monologues I use for vocal exercises. It just so happened that before I even got to Suzanna’s class, I had 3 self tapes to do at home. I am planning on doing Bonnie’s Self-Tape Challenge this month, to flex those acting muscles, but these self-tapes were auditions done at home for actual parts, which is always exciting. At first, it was just my…

  • Headshots, Self-Tapes and Challenges

    A lot of really exciting things have happened for me over the past 24 hours. There is also a lot coming up in the next couple of days, so I am in a really good, inspired place right now. First off I had my headshot session yesterday morning. I had never met the photographer, which is always part of what stresses me out. The other part is finding what to wear. I have been told repeatedly while growing up that I don’t have the best taste in clothes, so the thought of picking the wrong ones terrifies me. Luckily, I asked for some advice from trusted advisors (my cousin and…

  • Changes in the Air

    I am now 12 days into the Self-Tape Challenge, and I am learning a lot of things. For one, I now know where I can do a self tape on my own in my house, and I am also getting comfortable with them. That isn’t to say I am amazing at them, but I am trying new things and getting confident, which was the goal of the challenge. I am also taking the opportunity to learn some monologues, but for now I keep practicing things I actually want to send in as self-tapes instead. Which is really a good and exciting thing. Whether I send it in or anything comes…

  • Self-tape Challenge and Getting Out There

    How is everybody’s weekend going? I have been reading a lot of acting blog’s lately, notably The Working Actress, who no longer posts, but it is still interesting to see what happens for a working actress during pilot season. It’s kind of hectic and crazy but also something to aspire to. Anyway, she was posting mostly short posts pretty much every day, which I am thinking of giving a try. So don’t be surprised if I start posting more frequently, they should be pretty short and sweet 😉 So, in last Tuesdays class, we were 2 people short, which you would think would mean we finished early, but we always…