• A Hustling Actor

    Monday was the official start of my no-carbs to get down to competition weight, so every time I had a craving, I put it down in a list of foods I would have once the competition was done. Our subway stop happens to have a Cinnabon inside, so even though I have never gotten one from there before, on Monday it killed me as I headed to my Standardized patient work. We did 3 scenarios and although it was definitely weird to have my partner play my husband in the first 2 scenarios and my father in the 3rd, I think it all worked out in the end. That night…

  • Baby Steps and Anniversaries

    I started last week off right with an early morning hike on St-Hilaire with my parents. We used to go nearly every day last summer, so I have been missing my mountain, and was really glad to be back. After the hike I set off for Toronto, but not before stopping at a park to train with Alyssa. I wasn’t liking the way I would train every day in Toronto, then get to Montreal and do nothing, so it is really nice to have friends that I can train with every time I come to town. We did some pad work and she taught me some kicks, but an hour…

  • This week was busy, which is just how I like it. It started off with work at Michener, with a bit of suspension of disbelief when my ‘scene partner’ went from playing my 23 year old husband to playing my father. Either way, it is always so much fun to be able to play off of someone in those scenarios. When work was done, I headed over to 4 points to be one of the Amazons at the 7 pm class. Women are welcome in all of the classes, but if one feels like she would rather try a class when she knows there are other women who will be…

  • The Last Week

    Some very interesting things have happened in the few weeks since I last posted. Chronologically, I will start with the last class of the month at Suzanna’s; audition class. We spent the first few minutes discussing how I went from being in class indefinitely, to “I’m moving to Toronto in December.” Suzanna wasn’t ready to lose me to Toronto, and to be honest it didn’t seem real to me yet either. I was apartment hunting and figuring out budgets and finding all kinds of potential roommates, but it still felt like something that wasn’t really going to happen. An old friend from class came in unexpectedly, which was really nice,…

  • New Traditions <3

    First of all, thank you so much to everyone who liked our video for the contest. It doesn’t close until October 31st, so if we can keep sharing and getting people to vote, that would be amazing! Last Friday I made it to stunt class 🙂 I still spend my week kind of terrified and dreading it, but then when I get there, it really isn’t that bad. I learn cool things and have a lot of fun. We did kicks and jumps and falls. I really like how this session, we are going slow and the teachers take the time to make sure we get it. I spent the…

  • Here comes October… :)

    Time seems to be going by so quickly this year. It is already October, which means lots of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and probably the last sunny days of the season. I did pretty good on my September list, so I’ll put a new one for October at the bottom of this post 😉 -Read 5 plays CHECK 🙂 I now know the stories of Lady Windermere’s Fan, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress, The Glass Menagerie, The Children’s Hour and Steel Magnolia’s. Not to mention all of the books I have been reading as well. I get tweets from a guy called ‘Advice for Writers’ who is often saying that…

  • Patience and Patients

    Things have been going pretty good for me lately 🙂 I am not overly busy, but I pretty consistently have something to do, which is nice. Don’t get me wrong, I love staying at home in my pj’s, watching tv and writing all day, but I can’t help but feel guilty for all the things I’m not doing, and it won’t make my dreams come true if that’s what I am doing every day. Last Saturday, I woke up 4 hours before my call time so I could drive the 2 and a half hours to Ottawa without having to worry about being late. It was a long drive by…

  • Indie Filming – Take Two

    Today I am writing to you, black and blue, with a neck in pain and a hand that is sprained. Had these injuries occurred while playing a sport, or walking (I am a klutz, so walking can sometimes be dangerous for me), I would probably be in a foul mood right now. But they happened on a film set, so instead, they are the battle wounds I get for doing my own ‘stunts’. After my last post, I went to the Actor’s Fight Club, which is basically a chance to rehearse for the Tom Todoroff workshop which is tomorrow. It was my first time meeting Emilie, and we have a…