A Quarter of a Century!

Couting my age in centuries makes it feel a lot older than it really is. Just because it has the word century in it. In addition to being my birthday, today is also the deadline for my 25 things to do before I turn 25. Here is the final tally:

1.Have an imdb page with a credit 🙂

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2.Become a member of ACTRA

Although I am not yet a member of ACTRA, I have booked the role that will give me my first ACTRA credit, so the leg work is done, I only need to sign the papers.

3.Replace all high school and CEGEP credits on my CV 🙂

4. Get my website up and running 🙂

5. Get to my goal weight (Be healthy) 🙂

6.Finish writing a book 🙂

Plus, I am already started on a second. Final drafts and getting published will be my next goals!

7. Get a paid acting job 🙂

8. Make a demo reel 🙂

9. Get an agent 🙂

10. Take a voice/diction class 🙂

11. Do a role with an accent 🙂

12. Be on Being Human –> Reign 🙂

13. Go to a gun range and learn how to shoot 🙂

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14. Complete Tough Mudder 🙂

15. Fall In Love <3

I believe I have grown a lot since I made this list. Although I am still one of those people who dreams of the fairytale, I have also discovered something way more important than having a boyfriend, which is loving myself. I am not saying that I have completely transformed into this super confident social butterfly, but I am learning to go after the things that will make me happy, and to say no to the things that I did because I was afraid of what others would think of me if I didn’t. One day, I will find an amazing guy that I can marry and live happily ever after with, but until then, I am okay with me.

16. Finish the stunt class

Although this one hasn’t been working out, I am signed up for a weekend class later this month that will

17. Visit a country I have never been to 🙂

I was going to count Hawaii for this, but then my mom gave me her trip to Barbados, so check!

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18. Wait Tables 🙂

As a volunteer last year for the play I am in this year, as well as in a short film.

19. Quit my day job 🙂


20. Go Scuba Diving 🙂

Even got certified while I was at it!

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21. Re-become fluent in Spanish 🙂

This one is hard to gauge, but I think I am about as fluent as I was in high school. I have been having conversations with Spanish people, watching shows and movies without reading the subtitles, and started reading children’s books in Spanish.

22. Spend a Weekend with Friends in Vegas –> New York City 🙂

23. Go on a Road Trip 🙂

Not only did I do a mini road trip with my cousins, I will be going on a Road Trip to Florida and back next month, stopping and seeing the sights along the way. Very excited!

24. Do Insanity 🙂

I didn’t exactly follow the intended schedule, but I did complete all of the workouts.

25. Learn how to dance 🙂

For this, I wanted to either learn ballet or social dancing or just be able to go to a club and feel confident in my dancing abilities. I have done ballet videos since the classes didn’t work out, got a refresher on the social dances we had learnt years ago, took a Thriller workshop, and decided that I don’t care how good or bad I am at it, I am going to dance my heart out anyways. Which is the real victory if you ask me 😉

If you were counting, I accomplished 22 of the 25 things I set out to do, and two more will be done within the next couple of months. I like to take advantage of birthdays and new year’s to look back on how far I have come in the past year, or years. I think we should all take the time to realize how awesome we are, and how even if it doesn’t always show, we are moving closer and closer to achieving our goals. Thank you for the love and for sharing this journey with me. I hope you all have an amazing weekend <3

“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.”

-Bruce Lee

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