Another Fear Off the List!

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I had a busy couple of days this weekend. First, I spent Friday night in Cornwall for a movie screening with my parents.

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Then I spent Saturday on set. It was for the MIP that I worked on Thursday night as well. The day started with an unfortunate mishap, since the school they had rented was locked when we got there at 8. It took a little over two hours and about a million phone calls for us to get started. Luckily, we had good company for the wait 😉

I got my makeup done, we did some close ups of me going through a locker, and then I did something that terrified me. You see, I knew that I was cast as one of the main characters’ girlfriend. And that this would involve kissing. Which I had never done before on camera. I had done a kiss like when you greet a relative, but not the making out you normally reserve for a high school boyfriend. All through blocking I was shaking, working out the logistics of everything, except the actual kiss. I had met my kissing partner before this project, but I am not sure if knowing him made it worse or better.

As it turns out, as soon as they called ‘action’ and we did the scene, it really wasn’t scary. At all. I might have laughed every time they called cut, but by the end of the day, the fear was officially off my list 🙂 It was a really fun day of filming and I would love to work with them again 😉

I finished my Halloween by giving out candy and watching scary movies.

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“Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it.”
–Judy Blume

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