My Top 5
I have always been really good at keeping track of actors. Who was in what with who, and way too much information on their relationships from magazines. My family and I used to play the link game, where you name two actors, then link them through the movies they have been in and the people they have worked with. My brain just remembers these things. Often more than the actual schoolwork I was trying to remember. The point is, it wasn’t until recently that I started to pay attention to the people behind the camera as well (which is terrible, I know, but by recently, I mean like 10 years…
Hello 2017 :)
2016 has definitely changed me, especially as far as how I see myself and how I am putting myself out into the world. I plan on continuing to live outside of my ever-expanding comfort zone, and my word (or intention) for the year is going to be CONFIDENCE. Out of all the things holding me back in my life and in my career, my lack of confidence is certainly at the top. Here are my 2017 resolutions: Read all of Shakespeare I started going through the plays last year when I was studying in London, but I haven’t finished all of them. And I have the complete works, so might…
Looking Back on 2016
A couple of years ago, I decided to spend the 31st of December not focusing on all of the things I want to get done in the next 12 months, but on looking back at all of the amazing things I have achieved in the previous 12. No matter where I got on my list of resolutions, staring at a sheet full of incredible things I have done, some of which I never would have imagined…it’s exciting and inspiring. -I spent 3 and a half months living alone in London, during which I saw 30 plays, went to 16 afternoon teas, experienced 10 Day trips and graduated from LAMDA’s Classical…
You Get What You Put In
I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays with family and friends. After our last day filming the Cohort (at least for this year) I have been spending a lot of my time watching Christmas movies with my family in my onesie. Since the 21st, I have also been participating in Bonnie Gillespie‘s Get In Gear for the New Year. I participated last year as well, so if you follow me on twitter, you will be seeing a lot of the exact same tweets from last year. I love Bonnie Gillespie, SMFA and all of the incredible knowledge she shares every week, for free. I love that this end of year…
Last Class of 2016
This past week has been a pretty good balance of family, work and play. On Saturday, I had a lovely brunch with Carolyne and Lorraine, followed by the setting up of our Christmas Tree. Then on Sunday, I filmed a quick scene for the Cohort, before diving into the role of a belligerent drunk for a simulation. Not very me, but interesting to try out 😉 On Tuesday, we had our last class of the year, which usually includes food, wine and some interesting conversations. I went there right after visiting my nieces, so my arms were dead in the best possible way 🙂 My scene was from Monster-in-Law, near…
Nanowrimo 2016
This was my third time participating in, and winning Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) where you commit to writing 50 000 words during the month of November. I am what the Nano community calls a Plotter, meaning that I have my story pretty much figured out before November 1st rolls around. Other people, called Pantsers, might have a general idea, but they don’t necessarily know where the story is going. I have not only done the November challenges, but the April and July ones as well, referred to as Camp Nano, where you choose how many words you write. Every time, I have gone in knowing the people in the…
A Gilmore Night
On Tuesday I got to spend the night as Rory. I had the scene with Lorelai in the cemetary, and there was a new girl in class, so I also got to be Rory for the Sandeesays interview. Since Gilmore Girls is a phenomenon, even though I think you probably should have seen it by now, I will try not to give any spoilers. We did the cemetary scene first, about 4 times, then once with the subtext improv beforehand. This was one of the times when I was not on the ball for the improv, but kept having to try not to laugh. Possibly something to do with the…
Dancing to no Music
Although this weekend was pretty relaxed and family centered, last weekend we filmed a scene for the Cohort. Scheduling issues led to us having a lot of downtime after everyone’s makeup was done to simply hang out and talk. We caught up on each other’s lives, tv shows, but also on careers, the industry and our goals and ambitions. I know I say it all the time, but I absolutely love talking shop and hearing other people’s perspectives on this crazy life I have chosen. As for the scene itself, I wasn’t supposed to have a line in it, but other people couldn’t make it, so I got one. I…
November is usually a pretty busy month for me on a personal level because I have preparations for my grandparents’ Christmas suppers, I now participate in Nanowrimo (where I have to write 50 000 words in a month) and I generally start panicking about all of my resolutions for the year that I am nowhere near completing. This year, I had all of those things, plus I was actually going out and doing things with people, and working at my two very awesome Thrival Jobs. Even I usually refer to them as Survival Jobs, as in the things you have to do to make money until your dream job starts…
The Fear of Seduction
This month in class I am partnered with Nick, who finally came back to Tuesdays 🙂 Our scene is from Coupling and I absolute love it. Not only is it hilarious and so much fun to play, it also has me working on something that was once absolutely terrifying to me, but is now…fun? Forever ago, when I was in LA, my scene required me to try and seduce someone. I was failing miserably, so my teacher gave me homework. I wanted to be the girl next door that the guy just happens to fall in love with, because flirting or being seductive was either scary, or made me feel…