• Rehearsals and a Scene :)

    I can probably name all of my posts “Rehearsals” until May, but there are also other things going on 🙂 Thursday’s rehearsal was one actress short, but we still managed to run through all of our acting bits twice. Even with the guy who was replacing said actress going for comedy more than accuracy with the lines and maneurisms. Although it wasn’t a romantic scene, swapping a girl for a guy can still make it quite interesting. Friday I went to Mcgill for a bit and figured out when we would be filming for the “Yes! Let’s Make a Movie” event. Basically, someone decided that instead of sitting around and…

  • Classes, rehearsals and celebrations :)

    I have been out and about working on the acting thing every day since my last post, which is always a good thing. Even if I am not currently reaching concrete milestones, I am still keeping busy, which is motivation in and of itself. At least for me. On Sunday we had a rehearsal for Becket Players, complete with cast photos. Opening night is coming soon and the run throughs keep getting better. I now have my costumes figured out, which is always exciting, and am looking forward to figuring out my hair situation. The show spans decades, so you can look forward to some interesting looks 😉 Monday, I…

  • A Quarter of a Century!

    Couting my age in centuries makes it feel a lot older than it really is. Just because it has the word century in it. In addition to being my birthday, today is also the deadline for my 25 things to do before I turn 25. Here is the final tally: 1.Have an imdb page with a credit 🙂 2.Become a member of ACTRA Although I am not yet a member of ACTRA, I have booked the role that will give me my first ACTRA credit, so the leg work is done, I only need to sign the papers. 3.Replace all high school and CEGEP credits on my CV 🙂 4.…

  • A Different Kind of Easter

    I usually like to spend my Easter Day finding clues and chocolates scattered around my house as well as my grandmother’s, but this year we did things a little different. For starters, my parents and I spent the weekend in Toronto so that my dad could catch up with his best friend, and I could do background on a pilot. Just a little background info, a pilot is the first episode of a TV series that will be used to try and convince a network to order more episodes, so that it can hopefully become an actual series. As far as the extras are concerned, there isn’t that much of…

  • Sweet, Sweet Barbados

    Happy Easter weekend everyone! Or Passover, or long weekend, or whatever you want to celebrate this weekend. I just got back from a lovely vacation with my grandmother, aunt and uncle in Barbados. The sun was beautiful and I did get to relax and read by the pool, but I also crossed something off of my 25 by 25 list. Or two things, if you count Barbados being somewhere I had never been before. I went scuba diving. This is something that has scared me ever since my mom tried it in the pool when I was 9 and had ear troubles. I put it on my list to challenge…

  • The Second Draft

    I am a really big fan of 5 year plans and lists, which you can tell because I am always posting them. A few days ago I made a 5 year plan that ends with me living and working as an actress in Los Angeles. I am fully aware that it might take longer for certain things to happen, to jump certain tiers, but it is incredibly exciting to think that it could be possible, and that as long as I keep hustling, some day I will end up there. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Over the past few weeks, I have been working on writing a second draft of the book I wrote…

  • Sets and Inspiration

    After a very productive Saturday spent learning valuable lessons from Bonnie Gillespie and the SMFA group, as well as editing the book I wrote last November, I got to spend most of Sunday on set 🙂 Unlike Friday, this time we actually had a lot of filming to do. Mostly short scenes of me doing things without, but there was also a scene with dialogue. Less down time than a few days ago, but we still got to catch up. And no matter how the rest of my life is going, when I am on set I feel like I am accomplishing something. So that empowering feeling mixed with my…

  • Research, Rehearse, Film <3

    I have been checking a lot of things off of my list in the past few days, but first, I wanted to thank everyone for all of the headshot love <3 On Thursday night at rehearsals we went through all of our scenes, ironing out the kinks and finalizing what we have already worked on. I am off book and can’t wait to see what it will look like with costumes and the set and everything 🙂 Yesterday I was supposed to have an audition for an amazing project by someone whose work I respect. The breakdown for the role was almost word for word the one I had written…

  • Check it out ;)

    Over the past few days, I have had a blast hanging out with other actors, having coffee with Carolyne, and even attending an information session on antibiotics for the Science and Policy Exchange (the next one is June 2nd and on Mental Wellness, in case you would like to attend). However, this post will be short and sweet, I just wanted to share 2 of the amazing pictures I got from my seesion last month with Sabrina Reeves. You can check them out here, and if you are so inclined, you can also give them a like 😉 http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6031789/

  • On Set Yoga

    Once I had shared my 30 by 30 list with my father, he handed me a flyer for a blood drive at our local mall that started last Wednesday. Wasting no time, we headed over so I could sign up, get my pin, answer all of the nurse’s questions, and then fail when it got to the blood test. Apparently, my iron level is really low, so they won’t let me give blood. Instead, the nurse gave me a flyer with a list of foods I should be eating more of in order to increase my iron. So, still have 30 left to do, and Iron Man I am not.…