Sweet, Sweet Barbados

Happy Easter weekend everyone! Or Passover, or long weekend, or whatever you want to celebrate this weekend. I just got back from a lovely vacation with my grandmother, aunt and uncle in Barbados. The sun was beautiful and I did get to relax and read by the pool, but I also crossed something off of my 25 by 25 list. Or two things, if you count Barbados being somewhere I had never been before. I went scuba diving. This is something that has scared me ever since my mom tried it in the pool when I was 9 and had ear troubles. I put it on my list to challenge myself, and actually really enjoyed it. So much so that after my first scuba diving trip in the ocean, I decided to do the course and am now a certified PADI Scuba Diver 🙂


I never got the chance to blog before I left, so there are just 3 quick things I thought I would share with you. First, we finished filming Between the Screens, a Concordia student film that can be found on my facebook page at the link below. It was definitely an experience, and I met some people I hope to work with in the near future 🙂


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Second and third, the Sunday before I left, we had the first run-through of our show that you can see in May. It went pretty well for a first time, and I think it can only get better from here on out. It was also a pretty busy day for me, because that morning, I went to a Thriller workshop with my cousin Chelsea, where we learnt the moves to the Thriller dance. Not exactly what I had been thinking when I wrote learn to dance in my list of things to do before my 25th birthday, but I still think it qualifies 😉


And now I will get to work on finishing up that list before next Sunday!

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.”

-Henry Ford

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