Cold Reads and Auditions

Hey everyone! I was waiting for some news to come in before posting, and it wasn’t what I was hoping for, but there are different ways to look at things, and I choose to focus on the positive.

Last week I spent an entire afternoon just talking with Carolyne about our plans, our progress, our hopes, our dreams. I completely lost track of time, but sometimes, you just need to get lost in the conversation and talk for hours. Sometimes, you also really need to remind yourself everything that you’ve been doing, even if you aren’t exactly seeing the results at the moment. Take the time to appreciate how far you’ve come, and everything you’re doing that others aren’t.

On Friday, I got to be an SP at McGill in the morning, then went to stunt class in the evening. It is still kind of terrifying for me, especially last week, when the teacher told us it was going to get harder every week. Today we are supposed to have a different teacher, so it might be slightly less intense, but I am not counting on it. The stunt part is okay, it is really just the warm up and the cross fit at the end that make me debate whether I really want to continue past level 1. Every week I decide that yes, I want to continue, so I will exercise more during the week to make it less hard in class, but so far that hasn’t really worked. There’s a spy/action thing being cast soon though, so I am hoping this will be motivation enough to get me to do everything I plan.

On Saturday, I filmed some scenes for the ABCs of Death short. I got nice and dolled up in the morning by the makeup artist, then got to be a part of a gory murder thing without actually getting anything horrible done to me. It was a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to see how it all turns out 🙂

On Monday I wrote a lot, read a play and watched my scenes from class with Suzanna. With the way I felt after doing them, I thought there would be some wincing as I watched how horrible I was, but it wasn’t that bad. To be honest, I think the scenes were definitely a lot better than when I started out, and getting better from previous weeks as well. The problem is that these scenes had more layers, or could be made so much better, and I didn’t do that. So, I think I am improving, but still have a long way to go. And the journey is half the fun, right?

On Tuesday I had an audition, the cold read class with Suzanna, then another audition. I didn’t have anything to prepare for either of the auditions, so it was just nerves that I had to work on. I am pretty sure these were the kinds of auditions where anyone who wants to audition just has to show up and wait their turn, so being brought in isn’t that much of a victory, but putting myself out there, without preparation, I call that a personal victory. I have been to these auditions before, last year, before I went to LA. I haven’t really done cold reads other than in class since the Margie Haber Intensive, but the two I did on Tuesday, they were definitely a success. I can’t tell how I looked or exactly how I did, but I know I had the tools to go out there, and I had done it so many times in class that I wasn’t terrified. 

As for my actual class this week, I got another scene as Julia Roberts, this time Notting Hill. I am definitely liking whose roles Suzanna thinks I might be right for 😉

I found out last night that I didn’t get either of the parts. That was what I was waiting for before posting. One of them was for a kind of sketch comedy, so I really wasn’t expecting to get it, I was just proud of myself for auditioning, but I thought I had a chance for the other one. It turns out someone else was better, but I am deciding to look at it as an opportunity to grow and to improve, instead of as a sign that I failed. I just have to keep submitting myself and auditioning and working hard and eventually, the right role will come along, and I will be ready 🙂

All of my friends are booking things recently, and I expected to be jealous, which I am, a bit, but I am happy to see I don’t wish I got the roles or commercials instead of them, I just promise myself that my time will come. I am so proud of all of them, and inspired, and can’t wait to see how it all turns out 🙂


“No matter how slow your progress is, you’re still ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.”

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