Movies, Photoshoots and Yoga ;)

I just got back from having my entire family watch The Dark Shack. It was definitely nervewracking, but also exciting, and touching to have them all so supportive of me and my dream. For my grandmother’s sake, I will hopefully have a character who gets treated better in my next movie 😉

My week was mostly spent working, planning and catching up on finales, but this weekend I did a lot of going out. On Friday, my brother took me to see Pitch Perfect 2 for my birthday. The movie was absolutely hilarious, and really touching. I haven’t yet, but am hoping to someday find my sisterhood as well. Maybe even while filming an awesome movie like that one.

2015-05-16 10.12.55

Saturday started off with a photoshoot for Circonstance, a french webseries I will be filming this summer. I was a bit skeptical when I found out how young the guy in charge of everything is, but he actually had a pretty good group of people, and seems to be on top of things. Looking forward to seeing how it will turn out 🙂


After that, I brought Chelsea and Sam to the soft opening of Akasha Yoga Montreal, which you should definitely check out if you are in the area. I am used to doing yoga at home, in my basement, with a youtube video, so doing it in a group was sort of new, but also so much fun. The teacher was really warm and funny, we left feeling like we got a nice workout and even helped a friend of mine with some filming for the opening 🙂 After that, my brother and I brought my mom to the movies to see Age of Adaline, followed by a family supper. All in a day’s work 😉

As for today, I went to a bootcamp class with my cousin, then spent the day at my grandmother’s before we all watched the Dark Shack. Now to relax, and learn some lines 🙂

“But one thing I knew and recognized was that people all around me were giving up and going home. I just, quietly, never gave up.”

-Harrison Ford

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