• Oh What A Year

    I like to spend the last few days of December figuring out what I want to achieve in the next year, but I also like to take some time to go over everything that I have accomplished over the past 12 months. Every time I do this, I realize that even if I am not where I planned to be, I am still leagues further than I was. And especially this year, even if everything on the outside had stayed the same, I have not. I understand a lot more about myself, my comfort zone is huge compared to what it was, and I actually feel ready for all of…

  • Sets and SPs

    This past Monday I got my first day on a Toronto set in years, and it was…a lot of things. When I was doing the back and forth for Reign, it was my first experience with knowing the names of some of the ADs, and also having them know mine. When I checked in at my call time, the girl didn’t have to ask me my name, she just highlighted it and handed me my voucher. This was followed by years of background in Montreal until finally, this past Spring, I got them to know me. I spent the summer being one of the people whose name the AD knows,…

  • Planning, Taping, Learning

    I know I mentioned all of the motivational videos and reading I have been doing in my last post, and thanked some people for their awesome sharing of information (Thank you Dallas and Bonnie!), but this weekend I actually put it all together and compiled a huge list of things I should be doing. I also prioritized it according to whether it would help with my #1 priority and goals, or if it was just actor busy work that I feel like I should be doing so that I can say I am doing something rather than because it actually needs to be done. I am also trying some new…

  • Lights? Class! Acting!

    I am back in class! After a well-deserved vacation, Suzanna is back and I am ready to do some acting. On Monday I got a scene from La La Land with a guy I worked with on Diablo last Fall, where we got into a discussion about all the Oscar nominated films, as well as what constitutes a spoiler. The scene itself has lots of levels, and it will be fun to play around with it and figure out when it switches from a conversation to a fight, and how to take certain things. It was really fun as a cold read, and should be even better next week! Last…

  • You Get What You Put In

    I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays with family and friends. After our last day filming the Cohort (at least for this year) I have been spending a lot of my time watching Christmas movies with my family in my onesie. Since the 21st, I have also been participating in Bonnie Gillespie‘s Get In Gear for the New Year. I participated last year as well, so if you follow me on twitter, you will be seeing a lot of the exact same tweets from last year. I love Bonnie Gillespie, SMFA and all of the incredible knowledge she shares every week, for free. I love that this end of year…

  • Photoshoots and Film fests

    This weekend ended on a pretty high note. After having lunch with the two most amazing mothers on the planet, I went to do a photoshoot for a webseries I am a part of. So far, I have only filmed a party scene where I didn’t have any lines, but I can’t wait to sink my teeth into this character, because she seems like a whole lot of fun. I really love working on this project, because everyone is so nice and professional. Each time I go, we have makeup artists, food, and just a really nice working environment. The photographer had me laughing and dancing, and even insisted on…

  • JEDI – Just Effing Do It

    This week was really interesting as far as classes were concerned. Mostly because I learnt a valuable lesson. Or at least put it into practice. Thanks to Bonnie Gillespie for the awesome acronym 😉 You see, I truly embraced the concept of not hesitating and just doing it, even if I’m not ready and even if it scares me. Actually, especially if it scares me. On Monday, we were working on qualities, and one of the activities was a staple of drama schools, where you pretend to be an inanimate object. In this case, leaves. I was in a group of 4, but all the other groups had 3, so…

  • Wraps, Plans and Webinars

    After a slightly emotional last day on set, I am now wrapped for Un Jour En Societe. In my head I thought it would be the easiest of my filming days, because it didn’t involve any lines, so no memorization. Instead, I had to keep walking as people catcalled me, and eventually crumble into bed basically defeated. That shows me to no longer think things will be easy just because I don’t have to learn anything. All in all though, it was a really interesting experience, and I absolutely cannot wait to see the finished product! On Tuesday, I started taking care of business before going to class. I signed…

  • Closing Night and Class Goals

    My first experience with the Becket Players is now officially over. I had a blast performing with a talented group of singers, actors, dancers and musicians, and even got the excitement of an evacuation before our closing night. Everything turned out okay, and we gave one final heartfelt performance. I now have a lot more free time, but kind of miss getting up there on stage and being a part of the Becket Players 😉 In addition to the shows, I have also been working on my demo reel, and had 2 classes with Suzanna. This month, my first scene was from Eat Pray Love. It is definitely a challenge…

  • Research, Rehearse, Film <3

    I have been checking a lot of things off of my list in the past few days, but first, I wanted to thank everyone for all of the headshot love <3 On Thursday night at rehearsals we went through all of our scenes, ironing out the kinks and finalizing what we have already worked on. I am off book and can’t wait to see what it will look like with costumes and the set and everything 🙂 Yesterday I was supposed to have an audition for an amazing project by someone whose work I respect. The breakdown for the role was almost word for word the one I had written…