• Reading and Classes

    I usually like to equate being busy with making progress, so lately I have been feeling like I am on the right track and things are going to work out this summer. Which is always a wonderful feeling to have. On Tuesday, I got called in to be a reader before class, which we have established that I love to do. What was different this time was that I saw someone audition for the part that I auditioned for, only it was after I had already done mine, with no chance of going back and changing anything. Every time she got a note or praise, I was kind of going…

  • An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hadfield

    I started this book knowing that I loved all of the Chris Hadfield quotes that I had found on the internet, and that my cousin had told me she found the book too technical for her to really enjoy it. Having just finished reading and watching the Astronaut Wives Club, I was actually kind of interested in seeing how space travel had changed, so the technical stuff didn’t bother me. As it turns out, a few pages into the very first chapter, I was hooked. I don’t know if it is because me pursuing an acting career is highly unlikely as well, but when he explained his theory on wanting…

  • Back from the Sun :)

    I’m back! I had a wonderful time in Punta Cana with all my family, but am now very ready to get back to the grind of the acting world. I left on the 1st and only got back on the 15th, which has only left me a few days to get back to work, but I have been scouring the casting websites, submitting myself, and reconnecting with old friends in the industry. I definitely want to have a successful acting career, but think it would be incredible to be able to get there along with my friends, like how Adam Sandler has his friends in all of his movies, or…

  • We have a trailer :)

    We finally have a little trailer for Dark Shack, the movie I shot in Quebec at the beginning of September! It only features 3 of the characters, but I am one of them, so I figured I should share 🙂 https://vimeo.com/78593762 I still don’t know when my callback is, which scared me at first. I got to thinking that maybe they had cast someone else and didn’t want to tell me, but then I ran into an actor from M is for Mien, who has already been cast on the project, and informed me that he will be reading his part for the callbacks, so they haven’t happened yet. I…

  • Here comes October… :)

    Time seems to be going by so quickly this year. It is already October, which means lots of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and probably the last sunny days of the season. I did pretty good on my September list, so I’ll put a new one for October at the bottom of this post 😉 -Read 5 plays CHECK 🙂 I now know the stories of Lady Windermere’s Fan, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress, The Glass Menagerie, The Children’s Hour and Steel Magnolia’s. Not to mention all of the books I have been reading as well. I get tweets from a guy called ‘Advice for Writers’ who is often saying that…

  • Patience and Patients

    Things have been going pretty good for me lately 🙂 I am not overly busy, but I pretty consistently have something to do, which is nice. Don’t get me wrong, I love staying at home in my pj’s, watching tv and writing all day, but I can’t help but feel guilty for all the things I’m not doing, and it won’t make my dreams come true if that’s what I am doing every day. Last Saturday, I woke up 4 hours before my call time so I could drive the 2 and a half hours to Ottawa without having to worry about being late. It was a long drive by…