We have a trailer :)

We finally have a little trailer for Dark Shack, the movie I shot in Quebec at the beginning of September! It only features 3 of the characters, but I am one of them, so I figured I should share 🙂


I still don’t know when my callback is, which scared me at first. I got to thinking that maybe they had cast someone else and didn’t want to tell me, but then I ran into an actor from M is for Mien, who has already been cast on the project, and informed me that he will be reading his part for the callbacks, so they haven’t happened yet. I really need to relax and trust that as long as I put the work in and do my best, things will work out.

Speaking of doing my best, I haven’t heard back from the self-tape I sent to Toronto, and I know that I won’t. I tend to be good at baby steps, but not so great with really big progress. The last few times I have had a self-tape request, I have somehow ended up missing the deadline, or talking myself out of the project or something. This time, I learnt the lines, enlisted my brother’s help (who didn’t understand what he was supposed to do in a ‘self-tape’) and filmed the scene. I am bad at editing, and used a cell phone, and settled for a take when I knew I could do so much better. This is especially bad when self-taping for something that others audition for. They will get adjustments from the director or person running the audition, they will all have the same reader…whereas I would be expected to do an excellent take, because I have days to make it perfect, not just 5 minutes. I have infinite takes. But I didn’t use them. I know I sound like a broken record, but this was a learning experience, and I will do better next time 🙂

Lately, I have also been catching up on shows I always wanted to watch, and reading books. I went through the first season of the Tudors, as well as Band of Brothers and the Pacific. This really re-ignited my love of history and period pieces. I’m not saying I miss school and studying history, but I may purchase some more Philippa Gregory books. Speaking of books, I am burning through The Mortal Instruments, and savoring Divergent, because there are only 3 books in that series, and I am not looking forward to the story being over. I am not mentioning this aimlessly, but because reading the back of Divergent, that has a Q&A with Veronica Roth, really reminded me how much I love writing. So, in addition to the screenplay I have been working on, I really want to finish some of my crazy YA novels that are swirling around in my head.

On Tuesday, I audited a class at Straeon (formerly Carter Thor). For one thing, I was really happy to see a lot of people I knew, not just from classes, but from actual projects and sets 🙂 Even cooler, was the fact that there were people there who recognized me from when I had taken the stage at Tom Todoroff, but that I had never met. It was a really cool atmosphere, and I volunteered for a reading exercise, which was a lot of fun as well 🙂

As for class with Suzanna, I was talking with Nick about what kind of scenes we wanted, and I said I wanted to be mean, different from myself, and I got a scene from Thelma and Louise, where I do play kind older sister, but also get to yell and be mean. Looking forward to working on it some more 🙂

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

-Ernest Hemingway

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