• Self-tapes and Credits :)

    As my chocolate countdown to Christmas gets on its way, I am also realizing how close January 1st is, with so much to do, but I remain optimistic. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, right? After my last blog post, I spent the day checking things off of my to-do list. I have one for every week until the New Year, and so far I have been mostly finishing them (except for a few things that really had arbitrary deadlines). I worked on learning a second monologue, in case I get a meeting with an agent and need one. I made a list of casting directors I would like…

  • Wraps, Trailers and Acting Income

    Last week after posting here, I received my first cheque representing acting income (at least since deciding to make acting my full-time career). It wasn’t a huge amount, and I would have gotten paid more for working at my previous job, even before the promotion, but it was validation. Not to mention that my mom pointed out that i would rather work for free on movie sets than for 40 000 a year at my old job. I also went for some shopping and to see The Bling Ring with Carolyne and Morgan. It was a different kind of acting, but it was interesting. And, they both seem to be…

  • The Waiting Game

    So much has happened in the past few weeks, including my final day at the job I have held since I was 11, which has lost me my primary method of differentiating through the days. The more I dedicate my life to acting, the more I realize it is impossible to plan ahead. Auditions come up at the last minute, people get called to set the night before, shoot dates change because of the weather…it is all very exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. On the 1st, which I now realize is forever ago and I should have posted earlier, we shot a few scenes for Tricaillin. One of…

  • Something to Talk About

    In one of my earlier posts, I wrote how talking about your dreams can help them come true. Lately, talking about things has created somewhat of a snowball effect. For one, my last blog post garnered an invitation to go to the country and learn how to shoot, which never would have happened if I hadn’t talked about it (I come off as a very innocent, girly girl). Now the really exciting development…Because I share my journey on the Tricaillin set, a friend of mine decided to go through me when the link to submit himself for the film didn’t work. He got the part and will soon be featured…

  • Late nights and Audition Workshops!

    Have you ever woken up totally exhausted, after very few hours of sleep, at an ungodly hour, but been totally fine with it? That’s what happens when the thing that kept you up so late, and the thing that is waking you up so early, are both so fun and exciting that it is worth it 🙂 When I said in my last post that I had a lot of lines to learn, I was definitely downplaying it, at least compared to every other time I have had lines to learn. Last Thursday I got the sides for the Audition workshop, as well as for the new scenes that I…

  • One of the Three <3

    A lot of decisions have to be made, and only a few of them are by me. Which makes it all the more stressful while I sit here and wait. On the bright side, I have been learning to accept the things I cannot change, and only stress out about my own mistakes 🙂 I’ve actually had a pretty laid back week, with more signing up and planning than actual doing, although I did get to squeeze in some acting 🙂 Some of the scenes we had shot last week were out of focus, so last Wednesday we reshot that scene in a different location, along with a few new…