



Having the week off from classes doesn’t mean I sat around and did nothing, although I didn’t get to meet with my scene partner in the end. Nevertheless, I went to my cousin’s going away party, reread Michael Shurtleff’s “Audition”, had supper in Quebec City, voted in the provincial elections (for a candidate who didn’t even come close to winning), paid my SEVIS fee, went to the dentist, did research for my trip to LA and watched another one of my cousins dancing on stage. 


 Although I didn’t meet with Michele, my scene partner, I did finally memorize all of my lines.  Now that I have the words, I am going to work on the emotions, and making the character come alive. Since the characters in the play are just names for me now, I am going to write a short scene to explore their backstory, and let me understand where the lines are coming from, to help me decide if Georgeanne truly loves Tommy or is just being dramatic and self-indulgent (which she would deny). I will also try to use Shurtleff’s 12 guideposts, since it is what the teacher wants me to do, but I find that I learn more about characters through writing…we will have to see how it turns out!


 I have also been working a lot, like always. I work at a campground, where most of our regulars are retired couples who love to people watch and to gossip. Some of them have been camping there over 10 years, and have watched me grow up, so feel it is their right, and duty to brag and gossip about me. Twice yesterday my trip to LA came up, once from a woman telling everyone who was in the store that they would one day be seeing me on TV, then later by a woman whose nephew is actually an actor in Hollywood, who currently stars on The Borgias. I had never really talked to this woman before, but now that she knew of my plans, she spent at least 20 minutes telling me all about her nephew, finishing off by saying that he is really nice and approachable, and I should use him for advice and a friendly face once I get to LA. She left after giving me his name, which was really nice of her, although I don’t think he will be listed in the phone book, or that he would take too kindly to me knocking on his door and asking to be his friend. Even so, he is another example of how someone like me can make it to Hollywood and make their dreams come true. 


 The more I research and plan for my trip to LA, the more excited (and terrified) I get. But while a few months ago, it seemed like a dream that was so out of reach, I now see it as a possible outcome. The other day, I caught myself thinking “When I’m an actress, I will…” whereas I used to think “If I become an actress…”. I know I have a long way to go, but this new mindset that I have found is making everything seem so bright and possible. Even auditioning, which used to scare me to death (and kind of still does) is something I can’t wait to be doing more of. 


 Next week, my main priority is preparing for the Tom Todoroff weekend on September 15th and 16th. I also start Level 2 at Montreal Improv on Monday, and an On Camera Acting Workshop At The Studio on Thursday.


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