All the Pieces Coming Together…


I met with my scene partner today, and talking to her about what I’ve done and my plans, I kind of feel like all the pieces are finally coming together, that I’m finally making some progress into making my acting dream a reality.

Monday was the last improv class of Level 1, but we all enjoyed it so much that we all signed up for Level 2. It only starts September 10th, so I get a week off where my parents are taking me to an amazing restaurant in Quebec City. Probably bad that I’m so excited about food, but I am equally pumped up about the improv I will be doing every Monday after that.

As for my scene partner for Tom Todoroff, she was in Europe, which explains her lack of a reply, but since her return, we have chosen our scene, decided on characters, bought our costumes and have scheduled a time next week to get together and rehearse. I may have gone a little crazy making cue cards and stuff, but I am really excited about this! I cannot wait to rehearse next week when we are off book and really get into our characters. I am also excited about working with my scene partner, Michele, who has a whole lot in common with me. She is studying psychology at McGill, took the same acting class I did last year and was also under the impression that everyone in the world wanted to be an actor.  It turns out the rest of the world doesn’t, but we do!

Now, my week wasn’t all good news and progress, since I didn’t get the part I auditioned for last week. I understand completely, since I was too young for the role, and didn’t expect to get it going in, but I was also kind of disappointed, because I had got the impression that I might get it…I still had a great time at the audition and am really happy I went, for the experience and to keep in touch with the few acting contacts I have. I wasn’t right for the part, and shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up.


Luckily, right after I found out I didn’t get the part, I got a response from the acting class my friend from improv had recommended. The email wasn’t sent from the school’s account though, it was sent from the mother of a really awesome actor from Montreal whose career I can only dream of having. My brain first wondered why she was emailing me before realizing that she just worked for the studio I wanted to take classes from. She sent me information about the classes, which sound amazing and I can’t wait to start them, but I am also really happy, because the fact that this woman works there means that it is a legit acting class. I have no real acting contacts that I can trust, because I am generally paying them to teach me how to act. I am always worried that some casting director will read a name off my resume and laugh that I took their class, because I don’t know what the good ones are. This time, I feel like I have a legitimate teacher that I can be proud to learn from. Maybe I’m still naive and a little bit starstruck, but as this blog post proves through the repetitive use of the word, I am so excited to finally be putting acting first and putting myself out there. Sure, it hurts when it doesn’t work out and I get rejected, but it still seems worth it to me!

For next week, I will reread The Audition, learn my lines, rehearse with Michele, and pay the SEVIS fee so the States will let me in!



This is my grandfather and I at the wedding I went to last week:


And the extremely nontraditional wedding cake…Image

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