A Very Good Friday!

This has been a really good week for me, or at least the past few days have been. I had been preparing for the casting call on Sunday, and class on Thursday, without much else going on, until Wednesday…

To start, I got my scene partner for the May Tom Todoroff Intensive. She was a performer at the one a couple of weeks ago, and I thought she was really good, so I am excited to be working with her!

Next, I got a call for a project I had submitted for. He sent me the script, and I sent him my availabilities so we could arrange a meet. We settled for 1 pm on Thursday, before the coffee date and class I already had scheduled. My day wasn’t really that busy, but compared to my normal days, 3 acting things in one afternoon is pretty awesome for me!

I got ready on Thursday, feeling incredibly nervous, although I didn’t really have anything to prepare. I got there early, like I always do, and tried to look relaxed and happy as I waited, over-analyzing everything. When the guy in charge of the project showed up, I soon realized I had nothing to be nervous about. He told me all about how he got to be writing and producing this project, what he was expecting from his actors… I was already really excited about the project after reading the script, as it definitely fits into my kick-ass character dream, but listening to his enthusiasm about it, and his plans for filming it…I am definitely invested in this role, and really hoping I get it. It isn’t paid, but it would be awesome for my demo reel, and I genuinely just want to be a part of it! We left with the agreement that I would send in a self-tape of myself doing one of the scenes of a character named Amanda. Clearly, this is a sign that the role is meant for me 🙂

After the meeting, I met with some friends for coffee. Carolyne and Morgan are also actresses, and while they wanted to ask me all about Los Angeles, I wanted to ask all about here in Montreal. We did get a few questions in, but most of the time was just spent sharing experiences, talking about auditions and what we want. I really didn’t want to leave, but I had class, so we agreed that we would definitely meet like this again. We also considered meeting with a group of actors every month to share experiences and information. I had an amazing time and cannot wait to do it again, hopefully soon!

My last stop of the day was class, where we did our auditions. I still need to practice my crying, so it will be easier to do in scenes, but I think my problem here is that I don’t really get why it makes her cry. If her boyfriend had died, or left her, I think I would have been able to feel the emotions and get the tears, but finding out he is gay doesn’t quite bring out the tears in me. Still, I need to work on it. Since we were only 4 of us again this week, I got to do my scene 3 times, and Suzanna said I did really good work, so yay me!

After class, we all stayed back and talked about comedy shows, Tough Mudder, and stunt work. I found out that one of the guys from class (the one who saw me do the Tom Todoroff scene) is going to be in the same stunt class as me starting in April. I’m really excited that I will know somebody, although he was in the military and has lots of experience, while I have none at all. Still, really excited!


When I got home, I reread the script to find which one I would use for my self-tape, and enlisted the help of my family. We filmed it this morning, although my mother was the only one who would be my reader. It was odd to pretend she was a boy I was interested in, but it was a lot of fun being able to run lines with my mom, and let my dad be my camera man. We also had almost my entire family watch it before I sent it in, to make sure it was good. It is all sent in now, so I just have to sit back, fingers crossed, and hope to hear back from him with good news!

Now I have to get some sleep so I can blow them away at the casting call tomorrow!


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt


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