• Write-Ins, Auditions and Plays :)

    So far it’s a lot of baby steps, but they will all add up, right? I am referring to my commitment of doing something every day that makes me slightly nervous. And it wasn’t really a question, because there are already things that made me nervous when I started, but don’t anymore. Such as yoga class. And trying to do the crow pose. Or a handstand. Nowhere near succeeding at either of these, but I am giving them a solid effort. And going out with people for supper afterwards 🙂 These past few days have mostly been spent editing and adding to the book I wrote last November, but today…

  • Surprises and Road Trips :)

    This has been a really exciting week for me, and I can’t wait to see what comes of it 🙂 After writing my blog last week, I got an audition for Tuesday afternoon, from one of the projects I had submitted to. It was a really interesting project, with only a few lines, but the audition turned out to be more of a meeting where we discussed our lives, his vision, my experience with acting, as well as my attempts at writing books and screenplays. It was kind of stressful, because it still was an opportunity for employment, but at the same time, it was really nice sharing ideas and…

  • Submissions, Screenings and Imdb :)

    Hope everyone is recovering nicely from Thanksgiving feasts, or just the weekend if you don’t live in the States. I spent the past few days in Lake George, which was one step closer to experiencing a real American Thanksgiving, but I would like to one day spend it in a home, cooking and watching football with friends and family, not eating with my parents in a Denny’s. Even so, we had an amazing time, but this post is mostly about all the really cool things that happened last Wednesday after I finished the post. First of all, once I was done blogging, I rewatched all of the takes Suzanna shot…

  • Casting Calls and Booking Jobs :)

    Two very interesting things have happened since my last post.  On Saturday, I got up very early so that Carolyne and I could drive to Ottawa for a casting call. We got there less than an hour after it started, and were given a call time of 3 pm, which is when the casting directors were supposed to leave. We went to run lines and have lunch, then came back for 2, just in case we could be taken in early. It was a good thing we did, because Carolyne was called not long after we got there. They were going through the list and having the ACTRA members and…

  • A Very Good Friday!

    This has been a really good week for me, or at least the past few days have been. I had been preparing for the casting call on Sunday, and class on Thursday, without much else going on, until Wednesday… To start, I got my scene partner for the May Tom Todoroff Intensive. She was a performer at the one a couple of weeks ago, and I thought she was really good, so I am excited to be working with her! Next, I got a call for a project I had submitted for. He sent me the script, and I sent him my availabilities so we could arrange a meet. We…

  • Dream a Little Dream…

    I just got back from a partially relaxing weekend in Quebec City, where I dined on delicious food at Le Continental, swam outside in the snow and got some writing done before putting in some work. I also had a lovely dinner with my parents, where my dad reminded me of my writing dreams, and said he would get my book published for me if I could write it, so I am going to be working a little more on that now! Before leaving, I had a pretty exciting couple of days. On Thursday, I had my on-camera acting class with Suzanna. I tried working on the tears, but I…

  • Second Time’s The Charm :)

      Saturday I spent the day at a theater, for my second taste of the Tom Todoroff Act Now program. I had both been looking forward to it, and was slightly terrified of it, since I was expected to have worked on what I got wrong last time and improved, which I was afraid I hadn’t. Luckily, though I was still a bit nervous, the stress and fear disappeared as soon as I got there. It’s something about being surrounded by like-minded people with the same hopes and fears as you, that makes it seem less scary, because at least you’re not alone. I sat with Lisa, my friend Jonathan,…