Dream a Little Dream…

I just got back from a partially relaxing weekend in Quebec City, where I dined on delicious food at Le Continental, swam outside in the snow and got some writing done before putting in some work. I also had a lovely dinner with my parents, where my dad reminded me of my writing dreams, and said he would get my book published for me if I could write it, so I am going to be working a little more on that now!


Before leaving, I had a pretty exciting couple of days. On Thursday, I had my on-camera acting class with Suzanna. I tried working on the tears, but I just felt ridiculous, so I didn’t cry, which made one of the lines kind of not make sense…so this week I have to cry, no matter how crazy it looks. But all tears aside, I had a blast doing my scene with Nick. I was forgetting some lines when we were practicing beforehand, but once we were doing it in front of the class, the words came and we played off each other. There was one line that we almost skipped, then tried to say, then just went completely off book, but it definitely kept us on our toes, upped the energy, and made it completely fresh. Margie would have called it Falling Forward, and it was a lot more interesting than if we had stopped to find the line and continued. There were 2 people who couldn’t make it, so we had more time to talk about auditions and working on set, and it all just makes me feel so inspired, to hear about people so close to me working 🙂

On Friday morning I got a call from a teacher whose opinion and advice I truly value. We talked about my plans and aspirations for my acting career. I have always wanted to end up in Hollywood, but he has a soft spot for New York, and raised a lot of really good points, that made me doubt a lot of my plans, though not my ultimate goal. After last week’s Act Now Intensive with Tom Todoroff, I had really wanted to go to his conservatory, but I just don’t have the money right now to spend two years in class without being able to work in the States. I’m sad, because the conservatory looks amazing, and I already know that 3 of the teachers are incredible, but on the bright side, I got a coveted spot for Tom’s May 25th intensive, and I am signed up for the One-Week Intensive this summer in New York City. My scene partner and I managed to choose Stop Kiss for our play, and now we have our scene, so we just have to cut it down so it fits into the allotted time. I can’t wait to start working on it!

For the moment though, I am working on the scene for the Casting Call in Ottawa next weekend. I am learning the one for girls my actual age, though I feel like I might be too young for it. Even so, this is just to see our acting abilities, as we aren’t reading for actual characters they are casting, and the 18-25 year old girls have more to work on than the high school student, so more time to wow the casting directors with!

On an ending note, I want to thank everyone for the heartwarming reception to last week’s post, on here as well as on facebook. Reading everyone’s comments makes me feel like I have a whole team supporting me on this journey! 


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”

-Henry David Thoreau

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