Back on Track
I know I’ve been absent for a while, and I wish it was because I have been so overwhelmed with all of my acting that I haven’t had the time, but I actually haven’t really done much to further my acting career. I never got to go to the Tom Todoroff acting intensive, because a few days before it started, I had this freak accident where I passed out and hit the front and back of my head. I couldn’t drive for 2 months while they ran tests, and I used this as an excuse not to take classes or promote myself. Not one of my finest decisions, but I am turning over a new leaf.
In addition to working like a crazy person to make enough money to survive for 6 months in LA without any income, I graduated from McGill University, went on a camping trip, and spent almost two weeks in Europe. I know this sounds like a vacation and you can’t see how this would help with my career, but I am an extremely shy person, who is not the greatest at making friends, and often prefers to hang out in the background and listen rather than put myself out there. That is why it was kind of crazy for me to go on a trip where I know no one. I had to meet 35 people and show them that I was someone worth getting to know. I had to speak up or I wouldn’t be heard. Basically, I had 11 days to make some lasting friendships, and it turns out that I had a blast. Not only did I quickly manage to turn a group of strangers into a group of friends, I enjoyed doing it, I took charge and made decisions without always second guessing myself. I’m still the shy me I have always been, but I now have more confidence, which will help me fake it until I make it.
Another thing that Europe did for me is it renewed my determination to make my dreams come true. I had such a short amount of time in London, Paris and Rome, which are such magical cities, that I kept thinking that I had to come back. I needed to make my dreams come true so that some day, I could go to the Cannes or Venice film festivals and do a little sightseeing on the side. I want to film on location in Florence or Rome…I want to be an actress, and everything that comes with it.
So, when I got back, I reassessed the goals I had set for the summer, and by writing this post, have now finished everything that was on my new list for this week. I have received my I-20 in the mail, which is required for a Canadian like me to be able to study in the States, I signed up for an Improv class that starts August 6th and I have rescheduled the Tom Todoroff weekend for September 15th and 16th. Not to mention I have an audition on Wednesday night for a student film, which means no pay as far as money is concerned, but I am perfectly happy with the experience and footage it can provide. I have my fingers crossed and am preparing myself a lot better than my last audition, since I know more what to expect.
Now I better go practice my lines, so I can blow them away on Wednesday and have something amazing to write about next week! 🙂
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