My First Writing Post
Okay, not my first post in this category, but the first time that I am sharing my writing with you. It’s from a story I still refer to as Prologue, because of a habit I used to have of saving things under the first few words instead of actually finding a title. I finished it for the July NANOWRIMO, and am currently editing it for possible, eventual publication. This actually really terrifies me, putting it here for the world to see, but here it is, my first piece of fictional writing on the blog 🙂 Prologue I watched the raindrops hitting the windshield, listening as the rain pounded on the…
My Last Class…For now
Tuesday night was our last class with Suzanna this year, but it was also my last class until I get back from London, which seems like forever, although I’m sure it will go by in the blink of an eye. We each had a scene that we did audition style, before moving on to the Pizza and Wine Party. My scene was short and sweet (except for not actually sweet) from Accidentally on Purpose. Without any context and completely ignoring one of his lines, I did the scene way too sweet and nice, since I figured I was trying to make the best of an awkward run in with an…
All I *Need For Christmas
On Friday Night, I attended my second Female Department Sponsored Event. To celebrate the holidays, they rented out a loft, with a different vendor in every room, treats and drinks to go around, and some Christmas spirit 🙂 The tickets were free, we just had to bring a donation, which I think was an incredible idea. I got there super early because I clearly don’t know how long it takes to walk places. This was slightly awkward, because I just meandered while they finished setting up, but it was also awesome, because I got to actually talk to some of the vendors, had first dibs on everything, and got pictures…
Keep Calm and Make Art
A few weeks ago, I filmed a short called Keep Calm and Make Art. It is a Concordia student film and super awesome because Carolyne and Lorraine were both in it with me 🙂 I forgot to take pictures when we were actually filming, so now I am making a big post on my entire experience with the project. My first night of filming, we did interview scenes. The film is sort of a mockumentary, so I am really enthusiastic, and I felt like I did a horrible job. I am currently reading War of Art, and it specifically recommends that we not seek validation for our ego, but mine…
Last night’s class was pretty intense. Although the first scene was a nice comedy, the second got back to the fighting we have been accustomed to this month, and the night ended with my two scenes. First, we did Rachel Getting Married. I know you are supposed to come in, ready to cry your eyes out on the first take if that is what is required of you, but I definitely needed to warm up and get there. We did the scene a lot of times, but every time, I felt like I had so little time to get from being angry at her and dismissing her reproaches, to taking…
The Holiday Scenework
I got some extra work on Sunday, which was really lovely, especially since it was such a short day and I got to spend it with friends 🙂 Not to mention the girl we work with who was playing one of the leads! Then yesterday, I had class with Suzanna. Everything is kind of weird this month as far as everyone’s schedules go, and they keep changing, then we went way over for classtime. In the end, we pushed my Rachel Getting Married scene to tomorrow, since Ashleigh and I will both be there. We also saw the same scene twice. Now I don’t do this so much with TV…
Holiday Suppers
Every year, my grandparents throw two themed Christmas Dinner Parties. One for my grandfather’s family, and one for my grandmother’s. For the past few years, me and my cousins have been allowed to join in, helping our mothers prepare everything, serve on the night of, and clean up afterwards. We are also supplied with costumes, which is why I have posted pictures of us in Scottish outfits, as well as dressed as Disney princesses. This year, we decided to do an Irish Pub Theme. And while everyone will tell you I have absolutely no decorating skills, for some reason, I ended up doing a lot more than ever before. For…
O Thym
It was Chelsea’s birthday this week, so we went out for supper to celebrate that, as well as her being one step closer to completing her PhD. Have I mentioned I have an amazing and talented cousin? We went to a really cute restaurant in Montreal, so I decided it would be the perfect opportunity for my first restaurant review. The first course was a soup, that none of us ordered, but was included with everyone’s meal. It was delicious. Pumpkin, turnip and sage, according to the waitress. I don’t really like turnip, but the flavors blended so I didn’t notice it. Perfect for a chilly evening 🙂 Some of…
Twice the Classes!
For December, in addition to my usual Tuesday night acting classes, I also get Wednesday nights 🙂 Suzanna only had 3 people sign up for that session, so she had a few of us volunteer to take extra classes, which I obviously jumped on. Years ago, after Carolyne had been transferred to the Advanced Tuesday night class and I was still in Thursday afternoons, she came and did a month with us for the same reason. I thought she was so lucky and hoped that I would one day be someone Suzanna would offer bonus classes to. Two nights is substantially less than I will be getting next month, when…
Another 50 000
No, not money. Although that would be lovely. Instead, today marks the end of my second November participating in the National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO) 🙂 I was going to post throughout the month with updates, but ultimately decided to put the words into my story instead of into talking about the story. Which leads to me having been able to finish another novel in a month. Or, a novella. Still, a major accomplishment for someone who hadn’t been able to finish more than a play within a story before last year. I now have two NANOs and two Camp NANOs under my belt. My next mission is to edit…