I Made A Blanket!

So, if you have read my post on 30 things I want to do before I’m 30, you know that one of the things on the list is knitting a baby’s blanket. Ideally, I would like to knit a blanket every time someone I really care about is having a baby. I would then give them the blanket once the baby is born. I am a little bit late on this one, since I started after she was born, and gave it to her at her 1st birthday party. Still, it is a check off my 30 by 30 list 🙂

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As you can see in the picture above, I slightly overestimated how many stitches I should do, and then undershot the number of rows. This results in something that doesn’t really look like a blanket, but now when Jordyn is done using it as a blanket, she will be able to wear it as a pashmina.

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“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

-Frederick Douglass

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