A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I had applied for something that I would tell you about later. That thing was to study for a semester in London, and I am so excited to let you guys know that I got in! Come January, I will be studying at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, also known as LAMDA.

Anyone who has spoken to me recently probably heard me going back and forth on the many different programs I was interested in, but I decided to just bite the bullet and do my first choice, the 14 week semester. It is equal parts exciting and terrifying for me, because it is London and an amazing school where I will have so many incredible experiences, but it is also the longest time I will ever have been away from my family, and very prestigious, conservatory style training, when I have only ever taken independent acting classes, or done short programs.

I will let you guys know all about it as I find out more, and get to live it, but in the meantime, if anyone has any prior experience or advice on studying abroad, London, or especially the semester program at LAMDA, I am more than happy to hear it. And if any readers or anyone I know in London wants to meet up while I am there, I would definitely love to see a familiar/friendly face 🙂

“I live my life through fear. If I’m afraid of it I’ll do it just so I’m not afraid of it anymore.”

-Jeremy Renner

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