Making Plans and Finishing Screenplays :)
If you say something enough times, it becomes true, right? Well, just in case there is a correlation, I am reminding the powers that be that 2014 has been dubbed The Year of Carolyne and Amanda. We met up on Wednesday partially to celebrate some audition and imdb success, but mostly to plan out exactly how we will make 2014 our year. We compared goals, found the ones that were the same, and came away with a list of things each of us had to research before the new year. We each still have our own personal goals, but I find it’s a lot easier to drag yourself to do something if you have a friend doing it with you. It is also easier if the thing you are trying to do is something awesome like weapons handling, archery or horseback riding. We also hope to find some kind of theatre production to be a part of, an adult summer camp to head to and learn us a new language. Perhaps we are being overly ambitious, but we can adjust as we go along. There are a lot of commitments and goals for 2014 that I will share closer to the new year, when I have my official list of resolutions.
I had a long list of things planned for this week, but I got carried away working on my screenplay, which I decided not to fight. So, I have a lot of things I had to carry forward to other weekly to-do lists, but to compensate, I am now done my rough draft of a screenplay. I have to review it and send it to people I trust and edit it, but the body of it is here, and I can’t wait to get working on it 🙂
Last night in Suzanna’s class, I got to work on being really angry and frustrated, even when the person in front of me was so hopeful and lost and…it was fun, or at least interesting, and I much prefer working on being mean than on the crying, although it is on my list of things to work on in 2014.
Now before I get back to working on Christmas presents, learning lines and scenarios and such, I thought I would share the link to my imdb page. Because I’ve been talking about it and posted a picture of it, but never actually let you know where to find it. Here it is 🙂
“It always seems impossible until its done.”
-Nelson Mandela