Night shoots

This past week I have done lots, but also a bit of nothing. As in I have constantly been doing things, but not crossing anything off of my list of things to do. My week started off with some night shoots. I got to be a reporter, which I really enjoyed. Not because I actually did anything different from the other extras, but I got to stand right at the front, and actually got to hear what the actors were saying. This includes their lines, while they were rehearsing, and their banter between takes as well. It was really interesting to see how differently the actors will do the scene based on whether it is their close up, or if they are off camera. Some delivered the same performance no matter what, while others slightly improvised the lines when they weren’t on camera. We also used a drone, which was an experience on its own. I spent most of the time in heels, holding a microphone, and meeting old and new friends 🙂

2015-07-08 13.24.53Since I was filming at night, my days were shorter and slightly off kilter. I had planned to do so many things this week, but mostly just spent my time walking and going out with family, either for lunch, for supper, to the movies, or to Trivia Night at a bar. We didn’t win, but it was a whole lot of fun. And maybe it was because I read some bad reviews for Terminator before I went, but I enjoyed it. A lot.

As for today, I had my first session to learn the British dialect. Classic RP to be precise, although I had to figure that out. I’ve always had a version of what I consider to be a British accent, but it was very vague and non-specific. I used it once in an audition for a student film, but other than that, I only used it with my brother, who laughed at me (he was maybe 12 at the time, so I wouldn’t take it too personally, but I didn’t use it much after that). After today, I am much more confident with it, and glad that I will be narrowing it down to a particular dialect instead of sounding vaguely like I’m coming from the UK.

Now I have to learn some lines and catch up on a lot of writing. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

“I’ve always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up.”

-Beverly Sills

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