Stonehenge and Bath

On Saturday, my parents and I ventured out of London to gaze upon the wondrous Stonehenge and the beauty of Bath.
We left around 9 am with Anderson tours, for the hour and a half drive to Stonehenge. What started out with apartments and the city quickly turned into vast expanses of green before we spotted the circle of stones.

The tour included an audio guide, which explains a lot about where the stones come from, how they were brought, what the whole thing might have been for…It was really interesting, and kind of surreal, seeing something that I have seen so often in pictures, but in person. I took pictures of it from every single angle, but I am only going to put a few of them here. Definitely worth visiting if you are spending time in London.

We had just enough time to see what we wanted to see and try a rock cake before the bus ride to Bath. As soon as you approach the city and see all the houses with the landscape…it is sooooo beautiful.

We only had two and a half hours in Bath, and about 30 minutes was spent waiting to get into the Roman Baths. The audio guide tour reveals a bunch of interesting information, but my highlight was still the Baths themselves. Also, we tried the water, which smelt like a warm hard boiled egg, but actually just tasted like hot water.

Since we had so little time before having to get back to the bus, we rushed across town to the Royal Crescent, getting a picture of wax-Jane Austen as we ran, then to the Pulteney bridge, which I believe is the only one with covered shops like that on both sides. We also tried to get some Sally Lunn buns. Unfortunately, they don’t do take away, and we didn’t have time to sit down and eat it there, so we went to the museum and bought a bun with cinnamon butter and ate it on the bus on the ride home. We arrived back in London around 6:30.

As far as recommending Anderson Tours, the guide was really nice and helpful, giving us some commentary on the bus, and Stonehenge and Bath were absolutely lovely, but I do wish we could have left earlier or come back later in order to have more time in Bath.

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