• A Time for Firsts

    I believe I mentionned that Carolyne and I decided this would be our year, and things are looking good 🙂 Last Thursday after I finished work, Carolyne and I met up for some menchies and talking about our careers. However, we had a movie to get to, so we definitely need to meet again as soon as somebody stops booking so much work 😉 The movie we went to see was X Men Days of Future Past. Most Montrealers, especially those in the acting industry, know that the movie was filmed here last summer. I was lucky enough to get to spend a bunch of days on set, just absorbing…

  • Two for Two!

    Now that I am back home and still pursuing acting over a more stable career, I am getting slightly stressed out about not doing enough, which leads to me making a lot of lists and feeling like I have an overwhelming amount of things to do. It is lucky that I have a mild case of OCD, because I really like checking items off my list, so things seem to be getting done.  I have been back from Los Angeles for 2 weeks, and have already been on two auditions. The second one was Monday night, and I did the scenes 4 times, which I hope means they saw something…

  • Home Sweet Home

      This is the lovely weather I came home to. Nothing like the sun and warm weather of L.A., but it’s good to be home (although if home were in California, my life would be a lot easier 😉 ) It has taken me quite a while to update, partially because I have been busy, but also because there was a lot of uncertainty going on, and I didn’t want to write until I knew what was happening. I was getting ready to come home, making a list of the things I hadn’t gotten to do yet, when I got an email from April Webster, an amazing Casting Director I…

  • It’s Not Just The Destination That Counts

    Lately I have been looking at pictures of the Sundance Film Festival, or the SAG Awards show, and wishing I could be there. But, when this pang of longing hits, I realize that it’s not just being there for the premieres, festivals and award shows that counts. I’m sure it would be amazing to somehow get to be at either of those places, but how much more incredible will it be to walk around Sundance actually promoting a film that I put long, hard hours into auditioning and preparing and filming, or going to the SAG awards because something that I was in, or a performance that I gave, touched…

  • Since when is Homework Scary?

    This is perhaps an odd title, but I got homework in my acting class yesterday (at AMAW, but Sean was the one teaching) and it kind of maybe slightly terrifies me. I am fully aware that I need to become more comfortable in my own body, and less self-critical. I really thought that I was making incredible progress when I got to the point where I believed I was beautiful and worth it. Apparently, thinking I am pretty is not enough to make it as an actor, for certain roles, namely the one I am currently playing in class, I also need to think I am sexy, to be able…

  • I’m Back!

    I have been in LA for a week now, and I have gotten so much, yet also so little done. My first class with Zak Barnett at Margie Haber studios took place Tuesday evening, mere hours after I landed. I took a nap and was so tired and jet-lagged that I didn’t want to get out of bed, but I am so glad that I did. The class is full of interesting people, Zak seems incredible, and it felt so good to get back into acting! I tried really hard to incorporate everything I had learnt last time, and I think I managed a lot of it, but this is more of…

  • New Year’s Resolutions

    Every year, after Christmas and before New Year’s,  I make a list of my resolutions, all of the things I want to accomplish over the next year. This year, people have suggested an extra step in this process. Before planning what I want to accomplish in the future, I should take a few minutes to look back on all that I have accomplished in the past 12 months. It didn’t seem like much beforehand, but looking back, 2012 was pretty amazing. I graduated from McGill University, I traveled to Europe with a bunch of people I didn’t know beforehand, I took improvisation classes, I took on camera acting class, I…

  • Trust That You Are Enough :)

    Nearly every word out of Margie’s mouth was a pearl of wisdom, but none affected me more than the one I chose as the title for this blog. I know I mentioned it in my last post, but it’s still my favorite. I am back home in Montreal now, getting back to my day job, at least for a little while, but there is still so much of my trip I haven’t shared with you, so here it goes, my last few days in Hollywood! Day 2 with Margie was intense, to say the least. It involved ‘living a life’, learning the Haber Phrase Technique, and singing. And the singing…

  • I’m Finally Here!!!

      I have now been in L.A. for a week and am loving it! (although right now probably isn’t the best time to be writing, as I just said goodbye to my parents, who are flying home now, making me all alone for the next 18 days) This town has a weird effect on me, as my dreams have never felt more realistic or close than they do here, but they also feel extremely far away and unrealistic. I think it is because I am so close to where the magic happens, to all of the Hollywood icons, but I am also surrounded by so many people with the same…

  • Let the Emotion Lead Your Action

    This week I discovered how similar acting and dance are. My acting class last night was interesting, to say the least. I am told that there is something about November that makes the students’ and teacher’s brains try to turn off, which leads to fits of giggles and long conversations about the unreachable ideals of Hollywood. I still find we managed to learn a lot, even when we deviated off topic, and really enjoyed it, but I do love the acting as well. I went in there pretty sure I knew my lines, but focusing on saying them more slowly than on connecting with them. Last week I was told…