• Home Sweet Home

      This is the lovely weather I came home to. Nothing like the sun and warm weather of L.A., but it’s good to be home (although if home were in California, my life would be a lot easier 😉 ) It has taken me quite a while to update, partially because I have been busy, but also because there was a lot of uncertainty going on, and I didn’t want to write until I knew what was happening. I was getting ready to come home, making a list of the things I hadn’t gotten to do yet, when I got an email from April Webster, an amazing Casting Director I…

  • Two Weeks to Go!

    It’s really when you’re reaching the end of a journey that you truly start to see everything you wanted to do but haven’t gotten to yet. It also means I have to start figuring out what I’ll do when I get home. Which is exciting and scary at the same time. So far I have signed back up with the acting and improv schools I was studying with, and I’ve been trying to decide if I should move to Toronto and for how long. Right now there is a class I really want to try out, but it’s expensive, so I’m trying to make sure it’s worth it first. I…

  • Take Two

    I am flying back to Los Angeles on Tuesday, and I cannot wait to escape the weather (but there are a few people I wish I could take with me)! These past few days I have mostly been prepping for this return, which includes packing (I love travelling, but packing is a nightmare!) as well as celebrating my mom’s birthday. This year, we took her out for supper, and went to see two movies, one of which was Parental Guidance, with Bailee Madison. It was a really good movie, and has a lot of bigger stars in it, but there’s just something about that 13 year old…I am guessing most…

  • Trust That You Are Enough :)

    Nearly every word out of Margie’s mouth was a pearl of wisdom, but none affected me more than the one I chose as the title for this blog. I know I mentioned it in my last post, but it’s still my favorite. I am back home in Montreal now, getting back to my day job, at least for a little while, but there is still so much of my trip I haven’t shared with you, so here it goes, my last few days in Hollywood! Day 2 with Margie was intense, to say the least. It involved ‘living a life’, learning the Haber Phrase Technique, and singing. And the singing…

  • Week One!!!

    This week has been absolutely crazy and I am loving it! It actually isn’t done, since we have improv and a casting associate tomorrow, but I don’t know when I will get free time again, so I thought I would write a little something on here. I never really doubted my decision to do the ISP, but if I had, all of these doubts would now be gone. We are a group of 14 ISPers, and each and every one of them is amazing, and so fun to be around. Which is good, because we rarely leave each other’s sight. The program is designed to be intense, and to put…

  • I’m Finally Here!!!

      I have now been in L.A. for a week and am loving it! (although right now probably isn’t the best time to be writing, as I just said goodbye to my parents, who are flying home now, making me all alone for the next 18 days) This town has a weird effect on me, as my dreams have never felt more realistic or close than they do here, but they also feel extremely far away and unrealistic. I think it is because I am so close to where the magic happens, to all of the Hollywood icons, but I am also surrounded by so many people with the same…

  • Happy Halloween! :)

    Time has just been flying by lately! I had an amazing time in Buffalo with my cousins, and got lots of shopping done, including a cell phone for LA. I still have to activate it and get an LA number, but I’m getting there.   Last weekend, I was out of town for a Camping Convention, since my day job is working at one. There wasn’t much going on acting wise, but I did get the time to read Margie Haber’s book, How to Get the Part Without Falling Apart, which got me extremely excited because I am actually going to study with her when I go to L.A., which…

  • Always Be Prepared…

    A long time ago, I had decided I would do something every day to advance my career, be it acting, research, calling people or whatever.A week after making this resolution, I decided it was impossible to do something every day, but lately, I seem to be doing it without trying, just because acting is always on my mind, and my favorite thing to think about. Whenever I am near a computer, I just can’t help looking up headshot photographers, acting advice, actorfest, classes…that isn’t to say I don’t do other stuff and have a life, but I keep feeling like the dream is becoming more real, or concrete. Last Saturday,…