Happy Halloween! :)

Time has just been flying by lately! I had an amazing time in Buffalo with my cousins, and got lots of shopping done, including a cell phone for LA. I still have to activate it and get an LA number, but I’m getting there.



Last weekend, I was out of town for a Camping Convention, since my day job is working at one. There wasn’t much going on acting wise, but I did get the time to read Margie Haber’s book, How to Get the Part Without Falling Apart, which got me extremely excited because I am actually going to study with her when I go to L.A., which is now less than a month away! This realization came with a mini panic attack, that led to my making a nice long list of everything I have to do before leaving. There are a lot of items on it, but I’m pretty sure I can get through it 🙂

-Finish Reading the Acting books I bought

-Make a List of Things I Need to Pack for L.A.

-Put L.A. number on my resume and make copies for Actorfest

-Confirm my headshot appointment and choose outfits

-Find and Learn Monologues (yep, this is still on the list)

-Hopefully find an internship with a Casting Director for January

-Research all the Studio Heads

-Prepare answers to questions “Tell me about yourself?” and “What have you been up to lately?”


There’s also a bunch of non-acting preparations like getting my car fixed, but these are my main acting to-dos. I am also really anxious to get back to acting class tomorrow night. I’ve only missed one week, but this is much too long in my book. I will also attempt to go back to jazz…hopefully I’ll catch up…

Now I can’t finish without mentioning how today is Halloween. I hope you’re all dressing up and having an amazing day, but as the great Margie Haber said herself in a tweet today, actors get to get dressed up and live someone else’s life every day. I’ve been Holly Golightly and Katniss Everdeen so far this year, and I can’t wait to live a million more lives!

Happy Halloween!

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