Another Weekend On Sets

I started off the weekend in the best way possible; at a spa and dinner date with my best friend for her birthday.

On Saturday, I was background on a series that films here in Montreal, pretending to be a university student. I feel like I have never been so productive as when I was sitting in a classroom, listening to a lecture, so being able to do that without any kind of exam or testing on the material is absolutely wonderful 😉 I met some people, and got a lot of insight from one of the 3rd ADs. It was also really nice to see someone I know and work with as one of the cast members. I have said this before, but other than having one of those parts myself, seeing someone I know killing it on set is definitely one of the most inspiring things for me.


On Sunday, it was back to the Cohort webseries. I have to admit I will be missing these people over our upcoming 2 week break from filming. We filmed some fun, Valentine’s Day shenanigans, and I got to catch up with a past scene partner from Suzanna’s class 🙂 There was also a lot of downtime where I got to talk food, work, family and training with the awesome Cohort cast and crew 🙂

Finally, I finished my weekend with a lovely family supper at my grandparents’ <3

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

-Mark Twain


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