The impulsivity continues…



Above is one of the many pictures I got from the Tom Todoroff weekend. Frances also has my scene on a CD for me, so all I have to do is find out how to get the CD from her hands to mine! 🙂

On Monday, in addition to having a lot of fun improvising, I found out that I should be getting money back from my car repairs, which is extremely helpful for my budget, since in addition to the deposit for the Tom Todoroff Summer Intensive, I have also been booking a lot of other things. I got an email from backstage, announcing an early sale of VIP tickets to Actorfest in LA, and keeping in line with me newly found impulsiveness, I went all in and purchased the VIP pass to all the workshops, meet and greets, and even a cocktail/hors-d’oeuvre thing with casting directors. The official schedule only comes out in November I believe, but I cannot wait for December 15th, kind of a last hurrah of acting before coming home for Christmas. 

Speaking of Christmas, since the Margie Haber ISP finishes on December 14th and most acting classes don’t run in the last few weeks of December, I decided to change my flight so I can come home on the 18th. Once the flight was settled, I also booked my airbnb stay at a place I really love, with people who look really nice…I just have to wait for them to approve my booking. Fingers crossed!

On Thursday, I left extra early for my class with Suzanna, to make sure that I wouldn’t be late. This meant I got there early, and had to sit outside a bit, even after I did some grocery shopping. It was a good thing that I was early though, because I got to see what everyone else does before I get there. They talk! They get to know each other, discussing roles, experiences, auditions, relationships…I have been missing out on all of this! So, from now on, I will definitely be getting there on time, and by that I mean at least 15 minutes early.

As for the scene, it wasn’t a scene so much as an actual audition scenario. I had to slate my name and the part I was reading for, then do the scene with a reader. I was really awkward at first, and didn’t know where to look, but Suzanna says I got better as the scene went on. I will have to watch the DVD to be sure, but I am glad I got to practice and be awkward like that without it actually affecting a real audition. I have signed up to continue the class in October, and will hopefully be able to take it in November as well, before flying to LA!

I really keep hearing about casting workbook everywhere, so I am considering just signing up and then changing my headshot when I get the new one. He is taking the pictures October 14th, so I should be getting them soon after. Also, when I booked actorfest, I got a year long print and online subscription to backstage, which I was already planning on doing, but can’t wait to start receiving.

There were a lot of other things I was supposed to do this week, but I had more free time than I normally do, and got used to doing nothing. I did re-organize my closet though, and am giving away everything that is too big for me. I also got to watch a lot of TV, which I like to convince myself is homework for my career. Last night the show I watched was Glee, all three episodes that have played so far. We don’t have the same dreams, but seeing Rachel go after her dreams, giving it all she has, or seeing Kurt move out to New York even after he was denied his dream…it all makes me want to put myself in high gear, to work on making mine come true as well. So, although I haven’t done much this week, I am extremely inspired and enthusiastic.

For this week, I have to adjust my LA plans to include Actorfest, which I believe I should be bringing headshots to; research potential monologues, again; watch the DVD from Suzanna’s class; and get the CD that Frances made me of my scene with Michele. My trip to LA is right around the corner, and I want to be as ready and prepared as I can be so that I can make the most of it!

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