Appreciate the Journey
One thing this acting business is teaching me is to truly enjoy the journey, both figuratively and literally. The road to being a working actor is filled with ups and downs, so you have to appreciate the hustle and the struggle as you try to achieve your goals, even if you don’t quite succeed, or at least not on the first try. After finishing my blog post on Friday, I got a request for a self tape. I had submitted Thursday night and it was filming Saturday afternoon, so time was of the essence. When I never heard back from them, I was okay, because it gave me more time…
Train Like An Athlete
To start off, I would like to elaborate on the inspiring articles I read last week. I often go through phases where I am extremely motivated, before I go back to my normal self. I don’t know exactly what it was last week, maybe it had to do with reading it in two separate books within a few hours of each other, but I decided to make a commitment, that I would stick to, so I would train like an athlete for the next 5 years. It’s kind of an arbitrary deadline, because it’s not like I plan on giving up in 5 years, but it was the timeline Hugh…
Trips, Scenes and a Screening
This past week took off to a shaky start. But also a really exciting one. Due to a combination of events that I knew were excuses and not legitimate reasons, I didn’t make it to stunt class last week. I kept thinking that if it was that hard to get me to the first class, did I really want to have to convince myself to go every week? In the end, I decided I would do an intensive stunt course, so I just need to motvate myself to go once for a long time, then I will be done. I also found out that due to my mom’s injury, she…
Our First Rehearsal
So far 2015 has been pretty eventful. Not so much for me, but just kind of in general. The first few days of the new year were spent working on a plan to achieve everything I want to do this year. Using Bonnie Gillespie’s Ninja advice, I updated and edited my resume, prepared my receipts to make it easier come income tax time, made a list of everything I need to fix with my website, and also discovered what my brand is. I was one of those people who thought I could play anything, because I do love being a horrible person in acting class. However, in the world of…
Hello, 2015 :)
As promised, now that I have celebrated my accomplishments from last year, it is time to look ahead and share some of my hopes and goals for the next 12 months. –Film something that I wrote Whether it is a scene with friends, or a short with auditions and a crew, I really want to create my own work this year 🙂 –Become a member of ACTRA –Get an Agent –Get new headshots I will research Montreal photographers, but maybe this is an excuse to go back to Los Angeles? –NANOWRIMO 2015 I had a lot of fun doing it this year, and would love to write a book every…
Looking back on 2014 :)
This year I am going to do something different than previous years, and just take the day to look back on all that I have accomplished this year. Tomorrow I will be back with a vengeance to share my 2015 resolutions, but for today…2014 was a pretty awesome year 😉 As you can see, I will need a new paper to remind myself of my accomplishments come next year. I have been sitting here the past few weeks, trying to come up with resolutions for next year while feeling totally defeated about all of the things I didn’t get to this year, but making that list, it made me realize…
Back from Paradise :)
In this case, Paradise also goes by the name of Hawaii, but it was amazing. I did almost everything on my to do list, including lots of hiking and waterfalls, even a volcanoe. I am so grateful to have been able to go there, and recommend it for everyone to see at least once in their lives. A new acting goal of mine is now to film something on location in Hawaii. So, if there are any more Lost-like tv shows casting, let me know 😉 I haven’t been gallivanting on a beautiful island for all of this time though. Before I left, I won NANOWRIMO, meaning I wrote at…
I Caught the Bouquet :)
It has been a crazy couple of weeks, which is why this post has been a long time coming, but I will try and fill you in on all the exciting things I have been doing 🙂 First off, I finished the 30 day challenge, having exercised for at least 25 minutes every day in October. Technically, I am 31 for 31, but I would like to try it again, perhaps in January, combined with some fitness goals, like so many push ups or pull ups and so on. We will see if I can convince anyone to join that with me. As far as my other October goals, they…
Optimism and Discipline
Last weekend I was lazy and didn’t do much, but I was giving myself that week to be lazy so that I could get back into it starting this week. Carolyne and I have been discussing the fact that more than anything right now, we need discipline. The 30 day exercise challenge that I have been participating in is definitely helping to show me that it isn’t so hard to dedicate 30 minutes of every day towards improving yourself, so now I just have to work on adding another 30 minutes or couple of hours to something that will bring me closer to the career of my dreams. For my…
Day Jobs and Dream Jobs
I have left my day job. Have I done that before? Why yes, I have, but this time hopefully for good. I went back this summer to help my mom out, which had its pros and cons, but I had my last day on Monday, and can now focus so much more time on my acting. I might have taken a little bit too much advantage of this lack of a schedule this week, which resulted in sleeping in and having trouble convincing myself to do the things I know I should be doing, but I decided to give myself this week so that next week, I will have no…