Burgers and Class :)

I had an awesome time in class on Monday. We are a small group, so we got to do our scene multiple times, each time making the relationship stronger and more believable. We had to work on cutting each other off and doing things like you would in a normal conversation, rather than just syaing your lines. I think I like our before last take best, because I did it naturally instead of thinking about doing it. Unfortunately, I didn’t entirely trust my instinct and stopped when I realized I was doing it, but I still think it was a solid take 😉

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I always write about how much I enjoy talking with other actors before and after class, or at McGill, so on Monday I put my money where my mouth is and accepted an invite to go out for burgers after class. I only ended up having a milkshake, but I really enjoyed just going somewhere and hanging out with friends. Especially making new friends 😉

Yesterday I worked all day on a pretty emotional scenario, which was an interesting acting exercise. Today, I get to relax and work on that second book!

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”

-Rick Warren

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