• Trust that it's there

    Audition class is both the easiest, and the hardest. It is easy because at this point, we should know our lines and have done all the work, but we are also expected to improve on what we’ve learnt, and do better than the explorations of the previous weeks. Last night, my goal was to be able to cry. Unlike other times when I have ignored crying stage directions, I actually put in a solid effort. I did lots of research and tried different things. A lot of sites mention practice, like training a muscle, but I also suffer from allergies, and didn’t want to add to the irritation on my…

  • Reading and Classes

    I usually like to equate being busy with making progress, so lately I have been feeling like I am on the right track and things are going to work out this summer. Which is always a wonderful feeling to have. On Tuesday, I got called in to be a reader before class, which we have established that I love to do. What was different this time was that I saw someone audition for the part that I auditioned for, only it was after I had already done mine, with no chance of going back and changing anything. Every time she got a note or praise, I was kind of going…

  • Knees together ?

    I know the title is misleading. It’s intentional. You see, yesterday I had class with Suzanna, where Bobby and I were doing a scene from Up in the Air. When working on it on my own, I had very clear goals and specific emotions behind certain statements, but a lot of that changed when running lines before class. Possibly because Bobby is more of a friend than a colleague I am sort of trying to get rid of, but what was supposed to be an argument ended up as a casual conversation while reading magazines at an airport.     It was after we did it that first time for the…

  • Burgers and Class :)

    I had an awesome time in class on Monday. We are a small group, so we got to do our scene multiple times, each time making the relationship stronger and more believable. We had to work on cutting each other off and doing things like you would in a normal conversation, rather than just syaing your lines. I think I like our before last take best, because I did it naturally instead of thinking about doing it. Unfortunately, I didn’t entirely trust my instinct and stopped when I realized I was doing it, but I still think it was a solid take 😉 I always write about how much I…

  • Loving February :)

    So, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am really enjoying 2014. I have been working on some screenplays and catching up on some classics I had never seen, like The Godfather and The Shawshank Redemption, but it’s the acting that really has me excited 🙂 On Tuesday I had a great time in class. I specifically enjoy the audition class, because I get to be a reader in addition to acting. Of course, it’s more interesting to act with another person in your scene instead of a reader beside the camera, but I think I am pretty lucky reader-wise in class, and it is definitely preparation…

  • Lazy confessions and remedies

    I am going to start this post with a confession I am not proud of, especially considering what I wrote last week. I didn’t go to my stunt class last Friday. I had originally wanted to wait until Saturday for a new post, so you maybe wouldn’t notice that I’d stayed home instead. I wasn’t injured, I had no schedule conflicts, I just stayed home. I’m pretty sure I could have gotten away with not mentioning it, but although I try to hold myself accountable to whoever reads this, I also need to be held accountable to myself, so lying to you doesn’t change the facts. To compensate for not…