Rough Cuts and Dreams

So last week in class, I had a really fun scene. Not so much because I got to do something incredible, but because it was unlike most of the ones I have done lately. I was a psychiatrist, and although I did react more than was professionally acceptable, I found that I would really like to have a role where I play a shrink or a doctor or some kind of authority figure. It was a nice respite from the crying, which I have to get into for tomorrow night. I am hoping to finally get it, but I am also okay with simply improving and hopefully getting better at it every time.


Yesterday I watched a rough cut of the Dark Shack, the movie I filmed in Quebec City last September. It was so much fun to see how it is all turning out, and I thought some of the scenes looked really good, but I shudder at remembering some of the other ones where I am crying or trying to resist getting attacked. I am hoping it is because of my self-critical nature, but I do definitely think there is room for improvement. For a first feature though, I think it is awesome, and cannot wait until it is submitted for festivals so I have an excuse to go and be a part of the festival circuit. I seriously just want to volunteer for TIFF so I can get a taste of it, but I imagine that actually being a part of it would be so much more rewarding. That won’t be for a while though, so for now, I am reading up and looking at pictures of Sundance and so on, trying to get more roles in more films or shorts that will be entered into festivals, or just give me the experience to get my dream rolling. I got some footage from The Dark Shack since I had to send it out for an audition, but I should get the complete product some time this summer 🙂

This morning I sent in a self tape for a really interesting sci-fi film, and I should be hearing from some other submissions over the next couple of days, with possible auditions. There is also an Open Casting Call for Smyth Casting, basically so they can get to know the people in their database, so Carolyne and I will be driving to Ottawa on Sunday. This puts a damper on Superbowl Parties, but I believe it is well worth it 😉

“The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.”


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