• D33P W3B

    Last week I was in Quebec City, not for a delicious French restaurant, but to film a part in an independent thriller, D33P W3B. I play Kristina, a girl who is very into gaming and sort of gets in a little over her head. The director/writer/producer/cinematographer is Jessy Dupont, who was also behind The Dark Shack that I did years ago. He asked if I would come and be a part of his new movie and so I came. There were so many familiar faces involved in the project (from Dark Shack as well as other ventures) but I only ever had scenes with Daniel, who played my boyfriend in…

  • Headshots, Self-Tapes and Challenges

    A lot of really exciting things have happened for me over the past 24 hours. There is also a lot coming up in the next couple of days, so I am in a really good, inspired place right now. First off I had my headshot session yesterday morning. I had never met the photographer, which is always part of what stresses me out. The other part is finding what to wear. I have been told repeatedly while growing up that I don’t have the best taste in clothes, so the thought of picking the wrong ones terrifies me. Luckily, I asked for some advice from trusted advisors (my cousin and…

  • Trying new things :)

    Following my post last week, I headed out to menchies to meet up with Carolyne. It was a birthday/catching up/ career discussing meeting. Of course, with the frequency we are meeting at, we barely scrape the surface, so we are going to have to start meeting more often. Its feels like we just get our most recent news out, say a comment or two and then have to move on or we won’t have time to cover everything. We do, however, cover quite a lot in this way, and I always leave with a million things to think about and consider. After frozen yogurts, Rikki and I went to our…

  • Easter Adventures :)

    Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend 🙂 I finally got my birthday brunch at Chez Cora, and spent lots of time with my family, including an awesome easter egg hunt. Passerbys might have found it odd to see the 8 of us rushing around, reading clues and finding chocolates, especially since the youngest among us were 22, but we wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂 Also, Dark Shack is now on imdb, you can check the page out and give it a like here:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3665768/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_1 As for last week, on Tuesday Rikki and I went to Dale Carnegie. We had an interesting discussion with some of our classmates about…

  • Rough Cuts and Dreams

    So last week in class, I had a really fun scene. Not so much because I got to do something incredible, but because it was unlike most of the ones I have done lately. I was a psychiatrist, and although I did react more than was professionally acceptable, I found that I would really like to have a role where I play a shrink or a doctor or some kind of authority figure. It was a nice respite from the crying, which I have to get into for tomorrow night. I am hoping to finally get it, but I am also okay with simply improving and hopefully getting better at…

  • We have a trailer :)

    We finally have a little trailer for Dark Shack, the movie I shot in Quebec at the beginning of September! It only features 3 of the characters, but I am one of them, so I figured I should share 🙂 https://vimeo.com/78593762 I still don’t know when my callback is, which scared me at first. I got to thinking that maybe they had cast someone else and didn’t want to tell me, but then I ran into an actor from M is for Mien, who has already been cast on the project, and informed me that he will be reading his part for the callbacks, so they haven’t happened yet. I…