25 Things To Do Before I Turn 25
This isn’t so much a post, as a list. I have a lot of interesting things going on that I will write about once they are more concrete, but in the meantime, I am going to share this. Last week when I was filming, our makeup artist mentioned that she had completed 23 of the 25 items on her list of things to do before she turns 25. She gave a few examples of things on her list, and I figure it would be a great deadline to accomplish some goals. This list is hopefully realistic, and I fully intend on completing all 25 before April 11th 2015. I will…
Summer is Here!
The sun is shining and life is beautiful! There is something about the weather that makes everything seem happier and easier, although it also means another busy season of movies for Montreal has started without me, but I digress. Wednesday night, I got my first taste of the Actor’s Fight Club. It is supposed to be a place where actors meet to work on auditions or lines or simply come to act. The rules aren’t quite the same as in the movie Fight Club, as it is an entirely different concept, but the first rule, “Leave your ego at the door”, is repeated multiple times in the list. This particular…
Late nights and Audition Workshops!
Have you ever woken up totally exhausted, after very few hours of sleep, at an ungodly hour, but been totally fine with it? That’s what happens when the thing that kept you up so late, and the thing that is waking you up so early, are both so fun and exciting that it is worth it
When I said in my last post that I had a lot of lines to learn, I was definitely downplaying it, at least compared to every other time I have had lines to learn. Last Thursday I got the sides for the Audition workshop, as well as for the new scenes that I…
One of the Three <3
A lot of decisions have to be made, and only a few of them are by me. Which makes it all the more stressful while I sit here and wait. On the bright side, I have been learning to accept the things I cannot change, and only stress out about my own mistakes
I’ve actually had a pretty laid back week, with more signing up and planning than actual doing, although I did get to squeeze in some acting
Some of the scenes we had shot last week were out of focus, so last Wednesday we reshot that scene in a different location, along with a few new…
First Talking Scene!
I have spent the past few days celebrating my birthday, working and having dinner with family. But the real fun came yesterday when I got to film my first talking scene of the movie! We started filming late afternoon, mostly walking shots along the water. I didn’t have a jacket at first, so it was kind of chilly, but it was nice in the sun and there were beautiful locations. Our final destination was beside a beautiful lake, with the sun starting to set…mesmerizing. We got settled in, then James (who plays Josh) and I got to do one of our scenes together. We rehearsed a couple of times, then…
My “Little Blog” is a Year Old!
I had a really fun week, although I also hurt my arm. Tuesday, I went to my first stunt class, which was awesome, although a handstand during the first half hour meant I spent the following morning at the clinic, and now have to wear a bandage thing on my arm for the next week. Even so, I loved the class, and can’t wait to learn more. We did sword fighting, hand to hand fighting, trampoline jumps, falling from a ledge onto a mattress…super exciting! Today, I was showered with love for my birthday, had coffee with some fellow actresses and went to acting class. I am with Carolyne this…
First Day On Set!!!
I had the week off from acting classes, but got to learn actual lines, and do some real acting. Not that we don’t do real acting in class, but this footage is actually intended for mass distribution instead of to be viewed by myself and my classmates. With the help of my brother, I got all of my lines down before meeting my scene partner on Thursday. I had forgotten the script at home, and was worried that it would make me look unprepared, but I think I more than made up for it by knowing my lines. We went over them together until we both had them perfect, and…
Casting Calls and Booking Jobs :)
Two very interesting things have happened since my last post. On Saturday, I got up very early so that Carolyne and I could drive to Ottawa for a casting call. We got there less than an hour after it started, and were given a call time of 3 pm, which is when the casting directors were supposed to leave. We went to run lines and have lunch, then came back for 2, just in case we could be taken in early. It was a good thing we did, because Carolyne was called not long after we got there. They were going through the list and having the ACTRA members and…
A Very Good Friday!
This has been a really good week for me, or at least the past few days have been. I had been preparing for the casting call on Sunday, and class on Thursday, without much else going on, until Wednesday… To start, I got my scene partner for the May Tom Todoroff Intensive. She was a performer at the one a couple of weeks ago, and I thought she was really good, so I am excited to be working with her! Next, I got a call for a project I had submitted for. He sent me the script, and I sent him my availabilities so we could arrange a meet. We…
Dream a Little Dream…
I just got back from a partially relaxing weekend in Quebec City, where I dined on delicious food at Le Continental, swam outside in the snow and got some writing done before putting in some work. I also had a lovely dinner with my parents, where my dad reminded me of my writing dreams, and said he would get my book published for me if I could write it, so I am going to be working a little more on that now! Before leaving, I had a pretty exciting couple of days. On Thursday, I had my on-camera acting class with Suzanna. I tried working on the tears, but I…