• Lights? Class! Acting!

    I am back in class! After a well-deserved vacation, Suzanna is back and I am ready to do some acting. On Monday I got a scene from La La Land with a guy I worked with on Diablo last Fall, where we got into a discussion about all the Oscar nominated films, as well as what constitutes a spoiler. The scene itself has lots of levels, and it will be fun to play around with it and figure out when it switches from a conversation to a fight, and how to take certain things. It was really fun as a cold read, and should be even better next week! Last…

  • Last Class of 2016

    This past week has been a pretty good balance of family, work and play. On Saturday, I had a lovely brunch with Carolyne and Lorraine, followed by the setting up of our Christmas Tree. Then on Sunday, I filmed a quick scene for the Cohort, before diving into the role of a belligerent drunk for a simulation. Not very me, but interesting to try out 😉 On Tuesday, we had our last class of the year, which usually includes food, wine and some interesting conversations. I went there right after visiting my nieces, so my arms were dead in the best possible way 🙂 My scene was from Monster-in-Law, near…

  • Dancing to no Music

    Although this weekend was pretty relaxed and family centered, last weekend we filmed a scene for the Cohort. Scheduling issues led to us having a lot of downtime after everyone’s makeup was done to simply hang out and talk. We caught up on each other’s lives, tv shows, but also on careers, the industry and our goals and ambitions. I know I say it all the time, but I absolutely love talking shop and hearing other people’s perspectives on this crazy life I have chosen. As for the scene itself, I wasn’t supposed to have a line in it, but other people couldn’t make it, so I got one. I…

  • Thrive

    November is usually a pretty busy month for me on a personal level because I have preparations for my grandparents’ Christmas suppers, I now participate in Nanowrimo (where I have to write 50 000 words in a month) and I generally start panicking about all of my resolutions for the year that I am nowhere near completing. This year, I had all of those things, plus I was actually going out and doing things with people, and working at my two very awesome Thrival Jobs. Even I usually refer to them as Survival Jobs, as in the things you have to do to make money until your dream job starts…

  • Both Sides Now

    I had three scenes to work on for Tuesday’s class, although one will have to wait until next week’s audition class 🙁 The first was a dramatic scene from Bloodline, which I have seen done before in class, but had never seen the show. I watched the pilot before class, so I would at least know who all of the players were. Plus, with Suzanna now having multiple Bloodline scenes in her repertoire, I kind of really wanted to check it out (and will probably keep watching it;) ) After watching the first episode…the more work I did on the scene, the more excited I was to step into Meg’s…

  • Deep in Comedy

    Not long before class, I found out that one of my scene partners would not be coming, because they are killing it at work, so I only had one scene to do last night, the comedic one from Playing House. When the other girls had done this scene in the Wednesday class, Suzanna told the one playing my character that she could wear a fake belly if she wanted, so I decided to take that advice and wore a loose dress with a large sweatshirt. The belly only survived the first take, because it was hard to juggle the sweatshirt as well as the chair, which I ended up dropping.…

  • Two Is Better Than One…

    …And Four Is Even Better! This month I get to go to Suzanna’s class on both Tuesday and Wednesday, which is one of my favorite things! Even better is that this month I am doubled up, so I had two scenes on Tuesday, and then due to scheduling, I got two scenes on Wednesday as well. On Tuesday, I got to class early after a golf lesson with my parents, and when Suzanna asked me how my week went, I said ‘Okay’, not really thinking it was much to write home about. Because in my head I had been thinking about all the things I need to do but am…

  • Trust that it's there

    Audition class is both the easiest, and the hardest. It is easy because at this point, we should know our lines and have done all the work, but we are also expected to improve on what we’ve learnt, and do better than the explorations of the previous weeks. Last night, my goal was to be able to cry. Unlike other times when I have ignored crying stage directions, I actually put in a solid effort. I did lots of research and tried different things. A lot of sites mention practice, like training a muscle, but I also suffer from allergies, and didn’t want to add to the irritation on my…

  • Moving on Up

    Last night I did my third scene from Gilmore Girls, but it was the first time that I got to play Rory. I actually did a scene as Lane in my first month with Suzanna, right after having played Shoshanna from Girls. Both scenes were about how they’ve never had sex, which made me worry I might have been typecast. Now, years later, we are doing a scene where I just lost my virginity, and my mom does not like it. With reason, but I’m not ready to see that yet. There were only 4 of us in class this week, so Tamara and I went first, after running our…

  • A Blank Slate

    Even a torrential downpour couldn’t keep us from class yesterday. And although it took a while for everyone to get there, we finished the night with a full house, as well as some special guests 😉 I was doing the scene from 2 Broke Girls with my real partner, who wasn’t off-book yet, so I did camera and was on book for other pairs before we went to run our lines out back, since we were going last. I am really happy that I got to do the scene with Teneisha last week, because last night was a completely different experience. You see, most of us have seen at least…

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