Multiple Personality Disorder
Yes, I know it is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (I was a psych major, after all) and no, I don’t have it. But yesterday I did get to live the lives of 8 different characters, albeit for short periods of time, not counting the lines and monologues I use for vocal exercises. It just so happened that before I even got to Suzanna’s class, I had 3 self tapes to do at home. I am planning on doing Bonnie’s Self-Tape Challenge this month, to flex those acting muscles, but these self-tapes were auditions done at home for actual parts, which is always exciting. At first, it was just my…
My Second Brunch in the City
Yesterday I went to Female Department’s Brunch in the City for the second time. This year I was sans Carolyne, but I did still manage to have an amazing time, and hang out with some pretty cool people 🙂 I got there a little before 12, when it was supposed to start, so I figured I would get one of the free manicures from Trippy Nails before the lines got too long. I chose Pearl for my color, and chatted a bit with the owner, but I messed it up by grabbing things before it dried, so I won’t post pictures. But still, it was nice to be pampered for…
A twist to the audition class
In last night’s class, I got to be the adorkable and quirky Jess from New Girl. We ran lines before class started, then went up first, since we were the only ones who weren’t doing it audition-style this class (due to my being absent a few weeks ago). We did it the first time and it was good. It really felt natural and we were both present, but we also sort of maybe rushed a bit through some moments that we should have lived in more. So, we did it a second time and allowed the moments to land, to listen to and react specifically to what the other person…
Knees together ?
I know the title is misleading. It’s intentional. You see, yesterday I had class with Suzanna, where Bobby and I were doing a scene from Up in the Air. When working on it on my own, I had very clear goals and specific emotions behind certain statements, but a lot of that changed when running lines before class. Possibly because Bobby is more of a friend than a colleague I am sort of trying to get rid of, but what was supposed to be an argument ended up as a casual conversation while reading magazines at an airport. It was after we did it that first time for the…
A Nice Long Weekend
I had planned to get a lot of work done this weekend, but then the weather was nice. Like, really, really nice. So instead, I did a little bit of everything and had a wonderful time 🙂 On Saturday, we went for a bike ride to Old Beloeil, where we ate at Brasseurs du Moulin, a new microbrasserie. We all shared the meat lover’s pizza, nachos and caesar salad. All were delicious, but I am not sure about leeks in my nachos…My mom usually hates eating outside, because of the bugs, but we ate on the terrasse, with the mountain and the river in the background. It was a great…
Indie nite presents…
Last night I attended the first instalment of Indie Nite presents… By Raindance Montreal. It was a night to celebrate independent filmmaking in our city, with a focus on The Glass House, a feature made in the states, but starring an actress from right here (that I may have encountered at my audition a few weeks ago). It was really a cool film, with three sort of interwoven stories centred on family and children. There were moments that broke my heart, moments that made me laugh, and moments when I wanted to close my eyes and watch from the cracks between my fingers. At the end of the night, there…
Self-tapes and Troll dates
After an unexpectedly family-centric weekend, with very little work getting done, I got back to the grind on Tuesday. I spent most of my day learning lines and working on some monologues for self-tapes. In one, I had to use an accent, which was definitely interesting, although there was something about the dialogue that gave you a little twang, even if you didn’t mean to. The second one, which consisted of two monologues, was fun to do, but I am not sure I captured their essence of the character, more like my own interpretation of her. Normally, I would stress out about that and try to fix it, which maybe…
Workshops, Classes and Nursing
I was going to start this post by saying I have been busy this week, but I realized that is also how I started my last post. Obviously, I need to be more creative with my opening lines, but at the same time, I am absolutely loving this state of being busy and doing things that make me feel like I have somewhat of a hold on this unpredictable career I have chosen. On Tuesday, I went to a workshop with L.A. Casting Director Paul Weber. There were a couple of people in the group who were in the French union and taking the workshop to transition to the English…
Photoshoots and Film fests
This weekend ended on a pretty high note. After having lunch with the two most amazing mothers on the planet, I went to do a photoshoot for a webseries I am a part of. So far, I have only filmed a party scene where I didn’t have any lines, but I can’t wait to sink my teeth into this character, because she seems like a whole lot of fun. I really love working on this project, because everyone is so nice and professional. Each time I go, we have makeup artists, food, and just a really nice working environment. The photographer had me laughing and dancing, and even insisted on…
New class, Zombies, Subway
Some exciting things have been going on lately, with more to come in the next few days. For starters, I am back in class with Suzanna. I went last Wednesday, and was surprised to find myself with an entirely new group of people. I had never met a single one of the ladies there, which might have made me slightly nervous, but I just enjoyed the chance to get to meet a lovely bunch of women. My scene partner and I did a scene from New Girl, where I got to play Jess, who is quirky yet adorable, and pretty good casting for me. It was also soo much fun…