Greys & Her
Last night’s class with Suzanna was so much fun. Not only did I really enjoy the scenes I was working on, but we spent at least half of the class (and then went over by more than a half an hour) discussing on set experiences and the industry. It was such an interesting topic we couldn’t drop that Brittany suggested we have a class dedicated entirely to getting to know the industry better, through Suzanna. I made a special request for her to have the class before I leave for London 😉 This week was our audition-style class, so I started out being the reader for Carolyne. I don’t think…
Reversed Scenes
This weekend, we had a table read and a meeting to discuss costumes and scheduling for the student film that Carolyne and I will both be participating in at the end of the month. It went really well, and I can’t wait to start filming 🙂 As for tonight, I have training for the new job I got in order to help pay for my semester in London, so I can’t make it to Suzanna’s class. Instead, I went last night. Suzanna had asked me to come in because she knew someone else wouldn’t be there, which worked perfectly for me when I found out I wouldn’t be able to…
Feel the Awkwardness
On Tuesday, we did our scene from Her. We had come to class an hour early so we could run our lines together. It didn’t take anywhere near that much time, but it was fun to talk about life as well. The first time we did our scene, we did it very quiet. Very sad. We skipped through everything except for the hurt and the ‘I miss you’. It wasn’t bad, but why play one thing when you can play 30? The second time, we worked on incorporating all of those feelings, like the awkwardness at the beginning, the comfort of an old friend, the sadness of realizing it’s over,…
A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I had applied for something that I would tell you about later. That thing was to study for a semester in London, and I am so excited to let you guys know that I got in! Come January, I will be studying at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, also known as LAMDA. Anyone who has spoken to me recently probably heard me going back and forth on the many different programs I was interested in, but I decided to just bite the bullet and do my first choice, the 14 week semester. It is equal parts exciting and terrifying for…
I Made A Blanket!
So, if you have read my post on 30 things I want to do before I’m 30, you know that one of the things on the list is knitting a baby’s blanket. Ideally, I would like to knit a blanket every time someone I really care about is having a baby. I would then give them the blanket once the baby is born. I am a little bit late on this one, since I started after she was born, and gave it to her at her 1st birthday party. Still, it is a check off my 30 by 30 list 🙂 As you can see in the picture above, I…
Class, med school and helping out :)
Tuesday’s class was a lot of fun, like it always is. We had a new guy in class, which is always interesting, to get to meet new people and find out about their different experiences. I am his scene partner, and we are working on Her. No, I am not the operating system. I had been a reader for this scene once before and I absolutely love it. There isn’t enough information in the movie to know exactly what happened in their marriage, who did what and who blamed who, which means you have to discover it for yourself. It can also be played so many ways, with me simply…
Another Fear Off the List!
I had a busy couple of days this weekend. First, I spent Friday night in Cornwall for a movie screening with my parents. Then I spent Saturday on set. It was for the MIP that I worked on Thursday night as well. The day started with an unfortunate mishap, since the school they had rented was locked when we got there at 8. It took a little over two hours and about a million phone calls for us to get started. Luckily, we had good company for the wait 😉 I got my makeup done, we did some close ups of me going through a locker, and then I did…
My First MIP :)
For all the non actors who read my blog, an MIP is a Member Initiated Project. It’s what they call it when an ACTRA member creates their own work, getting special permission from ACTRA to be able to be in it, as well as to hire other ACTRA members. They can be fully paid, not paid, you can get a percentage of the profits (and ownership)…basically it is like an independent movie, but for ACTRA members. Now, I have already been on the set of an MIP, as an extra, and I had an awesome time. And I have to admit that I was expecting last night to be sort…
Be Loose…But Just to an Extent…
I had my afternoon planned on Tuesday. I had a list of things to accomplish, one of which was reviewing my scenes for class that night. Unfortunately, I got carried away with my first task, which was finishing up a story before Nanowrimo starts on Sunday. Let’s just say I got inspired and only had a few minutes once I got to class to reread the scenes. Instead of panicking, since I knew my lines, I decided to be loose. Instead of cramming to make sure that I had the lines down as well as I thought I did, I decided to just let it go, listen to my scene…
Good News Comes in Threes, Right?
I have been told that bad news comes in 3s, so I am really hoping that the same could be said for good news, because I had 2 awesome things happen to me this week and have my fingers crossed for a third. First, I was offered a part in the slasher film I had auditioned for a few weeks ago. It wasn’t the role I auditioned for, but I was still really excited until I realized I would have to be ACTRA in order to accept it. I was slightly crushed when I responded that I was available and would love the part, but was unfortunately non-union. This didn’t…