Back from the Sun :)
I’m back! I had a wonderful time in Punta Cana with all my family, but am now very ready to get back to the grind of the acting world. I left on the 1st and only got back on the 15th, which has only left me a few days to get back to work, but I have been scouring the casting websites, submitting myself, and reconnecting with old friends in the industry. I definitely want to have a successful acting career, but think it would be incredible to be able to get there along with my friends, like how Adam Sandler has his friends in all of his movies, or…
Surprise Auditions and Getting Ready
So last week, pretty much exactly when I finished the last blog post, I got an email requesting me to come to an audition that evening. It came from a girl I had submitted to in July, for something completely different, and hadn’t heard from since. Sometimes it amazes me how some auditions come to be. The audition was for a teenager, which is in my playing range, but I was the only one there who drove myself and didn’t have a parent waiting with me. Since it is for a commercial thing and not a show, I think they might actually be looking for someone that young looking, although…
Making Plans and Finishing Screenplays :)
If you say something enough times, it becomes true, right? Well, just in case there is a correlation, I am reminding the powers that be that 2014 has been dubbed The Year of Carolyne and Amanda. We met up on Wednesday partially to celebrate some audition and imdb success, but mostly to plan out exactly how we will make 2014 our year. We compared goals, found the ones that were the same, and came away with a list of things each of us had to research before the new year. We each still have our own personal goals, but I find it’s a lot easier to drag yourself to do…
Self-tapes and Credits :)
As my chocolate countdown to Christmas gets on its way, I am also realizing how close January 1st is, with so much to do, but I remain optimistic. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, right? After my last blog post, I spent the day checking things off of my to-do list. I have one for every week until the New Year, and so far I have been mostly finishing them (except for a few things that really had arbitrary deadlines). I worked on learning a second monologue, in case I get a meeting with an agent and need one. I made a list of casting directors I would like…
Submissions, Screenings and Imdb :)
Hope everyone is recovering nicely from Thanksgiving feasts, or just the weekend if you don’t live in the States. I spent the past few days in Lake George, which was one step closer to experiencing a real American Thanksgiving, but I would like to one day spend it in a home, cooking and watching football with friends and family, not eating with my parents in a Denny’s. Even so, we had an amazing time, but this post is mostly about all the really cool things that happened last Wednesday after I finished the post. First of all, once I was done blogging, I rewatched all of the takes Suzanna shot…
Private Coaching and a Lack of Tears
Sitting at home with the remnants of our first real snowfall outside, it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Which means the deadline for my resolutions is fast approaching. I have now completed my added resolution of reading all of the plays I had purchased in August, including Tennessee Williams’ big 3. I got into them not really knowing anything about the story. For a Streetcar Named Desire, I literally just knew that Marlon Brando was in the movie and at some point he calls out “Stella!” For Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and the Glass Menagerie, I knew nothing except the line about ‘no-neck monsters’…
6 Weeks Until the New Year!
I have always found it odd that as soon as Halloween is over, we jump right into Christmas. Normally, the transition comes more gradually for me; I count down until my final exam, and then it becomes all about Christmas. This year, I don’t have any exams, or a trip to LA to count down to, so I sort of got caught in the holiday mentality. Not so much Christmas, because I need snow to really feel like it’s Christmastime, but something in my brain switched and told me it was vacation time. Luckily, with Christmas comes the New Year, which reminded me of all my resolutions, so the vacation…
We have a trailer :)
We finally have a little trailer for Dark Shack, the movie I shot in Quebec at the beginning of September! It only features 3 of the characters, but I am one of them, so I figured I should share 🙂 https://vimeo.com/78593762 I still don’t know when my callback is, which scared me at first. I got to thinking that maybe they had cast someone else and didn’t want to tell me, but then I ran into an actor from M is for Mien, who has already been cast on the project, and informed me that he will be reading his part for the callbacks, so they haven’t happened yet. I…
My First Callback !
Hope everyone is enjoying their Halloween season 🙂 I have been learning lines, baking muffins and working on my screenplay, in addition to a few pretty awesome developments. Friday night, I had stunt class, with a big deal stunt coordinator joining in. The ‘warm up’ before class seemed to last forever and my body was screaming out in agony and protest, but the class itself more than made up for it. Most of the class got everything pretty quickly, so the few of us who were a little slower got to have the expert supervision and advice of the stunt coordinator. I got to do cartwheels and handstands, parcours and…
New Traditions <3
First of all, thank you so much to everyone who liked our video for the contest. It doesn’t close until October 31st, so if we can keep sharing and getting people to vote, that would be amazing! Last Friday I made it to stunt class 🙂 I still spend my week kind of terrified and dreading it, but then when I get there, it really isn’t that bad. I learn cool things and have a lot of fun. We did kicks and jumps and falls. I really like how this session, we are going slow and the teachers take the time to make sure we get it. I spent the…