Remember the Memory
You might have noticed a few new tabs in the menu. This is for two specific reasons, and I’m pretty sure at least one can be useful to you. If you are reading this because you think I’m pretty awesome, then you will be glad to see that I am going to be slowly expanding on the blog, to share more about my experiences, what I like and what inspires me. On the other hand, if you really enjoy one part of the blog and skim through my posts to get to the good stuff, then I am making things simpler for you. I will be working on sorting out…
Classes, rehearsals and celebrations :)
I have been out and about working on the acting thing every day since my last post, which is always a good thing. Even if I am not currently reaching concrete milestones, I am still keeping busy, which is motivation in and of itself. At least for me. On Sunday we had a rehearsal for Becket Players, complete with cast photos. Opening night is coming soon and the run throughs keep getting better. I now have my costumes figured out, which is always exciting, and am looking forward to figuring out my hair situation. The show spans decades, so you can look forward to some interesting looks 😉 Monday, I…
Self-tape Challenge and Getting Out There
How is everybody’s weekend going? I have been reading a lot of acting blog’s lately, notably The Working Actress, who no longer posts, but it is still interesting to see what happens for a working actress during pilot season. It’s kind of hectic and crazy but also something to aspire to. Anyway, she was posting mostly short posts pretty much every day, which I am thinking of giving a try. So don’t be surprised if I start posting more frequently, they should be pretty short and sweet 😉 So, in last Tuesdays class, we were 2 people short, which you would think would mean we finished early, but we always…
Trips, Scenes and a Screening
This past week took off to a shaky start. But also a really exciting one. Due to a combination of events that I knew were excuses and not legitimate reasons, I didn’t make it to stunt class last week. I kept thinking that if it was that hard to get me to the first class, did I really want to have to convince myself to go every week? In the end, I decided I would do an intensive stunt course, so I just need to motvate myself to go once for a long time, then I will be done. I also found out that due to my mom’s injury, she…
Our First Rehearsal
So far 2015 has been pretty eventful. Not so much for me, but just kind of in general. The first few days of the new year were spent working on a plan to achieve everything I want to do this year. Using Bonnie Gillespie’s Ninja advice, I updated and edited my resume, prepared my receipts to make it easier come income tax time, made a list of everything I need to fix with my website, and also discovered what my brand is. I was one of those people who thought I could play anything, because I do love being a horrible person in acting class. However, in the world of…
I Caught the Bouquet :)
It has been a crazy couple of weeks, which is why this post has been a long time coming, but I will try and fill you in on all the exciting things I have been doing 🙂 First off, I finished the 30 day challenge, having exercised for at least 25 minutes every day in October. Technically, I am 31 for 31, but I would like to try it again, perhaps in January, combined with some fitness goals, like so many push ups or pull ups and so on. We will see if I can convince anyone to join that with me. As far as my other October goals, they…
Optimism and Discipline
Last weekend I was lazy and didn’t do much, but I was giving myself that week to be lazy so that I could get back into it starting this week. Carolyne and I have been discussing the fact that more than anything right now, we need discipline. The 30 day exercise challenge that I have been participating in is definitely helping to show me that it isn’t so hard to dedicate 30 minutes of every day towards improving yourself, so now I just have to work on adding another 30 minutes or couple of hours to something that will bring me closer to the career of my dreams. For my…
Decisions, Decisions
I am really bad at making decisions. That isn’t to say that I make bad decisions. It just take me a really long time and I flip flop a lot before finally deciding. And even then, I’m never entirely sure I made the right choice. I mention this because I recently applied for a position as a flight attendant, and now that I have more information about the commitment it entails, I’m not so sure what I want to do anymore. Although the idea of being paid to fly around the world seems like a dream come true, I feel like it might be a step back from any progress…
Self-tapes and Credits :)
As my chocolate countdown to Christmas gets on its way, I am also realizing how close January 1st is, with so much to do, but I remain optimistic. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, right? After my last blog post, I spent the day checking things off of my to-do list. I have one for every week until the New Year, and so far I have been mostly finishing them (except for a few things that really had arbitrary deadlines). I worked on learning a second monologue, in case I get a meeting with an agent and need one. I made a list of casting directors I would like…
Private Coaching and a Lack of Tears
Sitting at home with the remnants of our first real snowfall outside, it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Which means the deadline for my resolutions is fast approaching. I have now completed my added resolution of reading all of the plays I had purchased in August, including Tennessee Williams’ big 3. I got into them not really knowing anything about the story. For a Streetcar Named Desire, I literally just knew that Marlon Brando was in the movie and at some point he calls out “Stella!” For Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and the Glass Menagerie, I knew nothing except the line about ‘no-neck monsters’…