• Nanos, Auditions and Combat

    I have completed another Camp Nanowrimo, although my word counts keep being less than what I need to actually finish the stories. This means I will have to up my target word count and write more come November 😉 I also ended up writing a completely different story than the one I had originally intended to. I might need to work on writing what I need to rather than what I am inspired to. Or perhaps just find a way to reconcile the two. In addition to a lot of time spent writing, I worked on my demo reel, caught up on shows, got inspired by a multitude of acting…

  • Multiple Personality Disorder

    Yes, I know it is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (I was a psych major, after all) and no, I don’t have it. But yesterday I did get to live the lives of 8 different characters, albeit for short periods of time, not counting the lines and monologues I use for vocal exercises. It just so happened that before I even got to Suzanna’s class, I had 3 self tapes to do at home. I am planning on doing Bonnie’s Self-Tape Challenge this month, to flex those acting muscles, but these self-tapes were auditions done at home for actual parts, which is always exciting. At first, it was just my…

  • Class, med school and helping out :)

    Tuesday’s class was a lot of fun, like it always is. We had a new guy in class, which is always interesting, to get to meet new people and find out about their different experiences. I am his scene partner, and we are working on Her. No, I am not the operating system. I had been a reader for this scene once before and I absolutely love it. There isn’t enough information in the movie to know exactly what happened in their marriage, who did what and who blamed who, which means you have to discover it for yourself. It can also be played so many ways, with me simply…

  • Circles, Tapes and Classes

    Before I share what I’ve done this week with you, I wanted to talk a little bit about Lean In Circles, just because I said I would and then forgot to in my last post. Sheryl Sandberg, after writing the book, launched Leanin.org, a non-profit organization that encourages women to lean in, as well as gives them the tools to do so, through community, education and lean in circles. The website has all kinds of really interesting stories and videos, as well as a section where you can find Lean In groups in your area. According to the website, “Lean In Circles are small groups that meet monthly to encourage…

  • One Step Closer :)

    One step closer to being a kickass character that is, although I wasn’t sure one of those words would fare well in the title. I’m also one step closer to getting work in Toronto, at least theoretically. To fill you in, on Thursday, we had our last rehearsal before going into tech week, which they keep referring to as Arena Hell Week. That starts today, so we will see how it goes 🙂 Then on Friday, all I had planned was to drive to Toronto for my stunt thing (which actually wasn’t so much about stunts. I misled you). I was packing up my things, about to head out when…

  • Headshots, Self-Tapes and Challenges

    A lot of really exciting things have happened for me over the past 24 hours. There is also a lot coming up in the next couple of days, so I am in a really good, inspired place right now. First off I had my headshot session yesterday morning. I had never met the photographer, which is always part of what stresses me out. The other part is finding what to wear. I have been told repeatedly while growing up that I don’t have the best taste in clothes, so the thought of picking the wrong ones terrifies me. Luckily, I asked for some advice from trusted advisors (my cousin and…

  • Train Like An Athlete

    To start off, I would like to elaborate on the inspiring articles I read last week. I often go through phases where I am extremely motivated, before I go back to my normal self. I don’t know exactly what it was last week, maybe it had to do with reading it in two separate books within a few hours of each other, but I decided to make a commitment, that I would stick to, so I would train like an athlete for the next 5 years. It’s kind of an arbitrary deadline, because it’s not like I plan on giving up in 5 years, but it was the timeline Hugh…

  • I Caught the Bouquet :)

    It has been a crazy couple of weeks, which is why this post has been a long time coming, but I will try and fill you in on all the exciting things I have been doing 🙂 First off, I finished the 30 day challenge, having exercised for at least 25 minutes every day in October. Technically, I am 31 for 31, but I would like to try it again, perhaps in January, combined with some fitness goals, like so many push ups or pull ups and so on. We will see if I can convince anyone to join that with me. As far as my other October goals, they…

  • A Time for Firsts

    I believe I mentionned that Carolyne and I decided this would be our year, and things are looking good 🙂 Last Thursday after I finished work, Carolyne and I met up for some menchies and talking about our careers. However, we had a movie to get to, so we definitely need to meet again as soon as somebody stops booking so much work 😉 The movie we went to see was X Men Days of Future Past. Most Montrealers, especially those in the acting industry, know that the movie was filmed here last summer. I was lucky enough to get to spend a bunch of days on set, just absorbing…

  • Inspired :)

    Another pretty exciting week for me. This is becoming a trend that I would definitely like to keep going 🙂 Before getting into the acting, I just thought I’d mention that I decided not to be a flight attendant. Seeing in the world is definitely way up there on my bucket list, but I will hopefully get to see it while filming movies in exotic locations, and when I take my family on vacations once this whole acting thing works out 😉 As for my two #100days goals, I am slowly but surely making progress. For the agent, I have updated my resume to include the new projects I have…

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