Decisions, Decisions
I am really bad at making decisions. That isn’t to say that I make bad decisions. It just take me a really long time and I flip flop a lot before finally deciding. And even then, I’m never entirely sure I made the right choice. I mention this because I recently applied for a position as a flight attendant, and now that I have more information about the commitment it entails, I’m not so sure what I want to do anymore. Although the idea of being paid to fly around the world seems like a dream come true, I feel like it might be a step back from any progress…
Just Keep Swimming
This has been a pretty busy week for me. Not even once did I get to stay home all day in my pjs 🙂 I was a standardized patient for 3 days, getting lots of ultrasounds, so many that if ever a doctor was having trouble finding my gall bladder or my IVC, I could direct them right to it. I also know all kinds of medical facts that are slightly making me revert to my teenage dream of becoming a doctor…I’ll be fine once I join the cast of Grey’s Anatomy 😉 On Tuesday, Rikki and I had our first Dale Carnegie class, so we went out for dinner…
Overwhelming Kindness
My heart is so full of love for everyone who is supporting me on this journey. I know I should stop being surprised about it, but I truly appreciate everyone who had been checking out my imdb page, reading my blog, and my entire family who are coming to the Body Horror Film Contest on April 11th to support me 🙂 My week has been pretty interesting as well. And I need to pay more attention when reading exciting emails. I didn’t get one of the parts I auditioned for last Friday, but I was the preferred candidate for the other one. Or so I read, without noticing that I…
I’m On the List!
If the rest of the weeks of the year can be as productive as the last few, I will be a very happy girl 🙂 For starters, last Tuesday and Wednesday I got to be a part of a short horror film aimed at the Body Horror contest in April. Living on the South Shore, I have this fear of getting caught in traffic and being late, so I leave my house before traffic starts, and get to hang out in my car from 7 am, until my call time of 9. Luckily, I expect this downtime, and manage to be productive while waiting, by doing voicework, writing, reading, and…
Loving February :)
So, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am really enjoying 2014. I have been working on some screenplays and catching up on some classics I had never seen, like The Godfather and The Shawshank Redemption, but it’s the acting that really has me excited 🙂 On Tuesday I had a great time in class. I specifically enjoy the audition class, because I get to be a reader in addition to acting. Of course, it’s more interesting to act with another person in your scene instead of a reader beside the camera, but I think I am pretty lucky reader-wise in class, and it is definitely preparation…
Surprises and Road Trips :)
This has been a really exciting week for me, and I can’t wait to see what comes of it 🙂 After writing my blog last week, I got an audition for Tuesday afternoon, from one of the projects I had submitted to. It was a really interesting project, with only a few lines, but the audition turned out to be more of a meeting where we discussed our lives, his vision, my experience with acting, as well as my attempts at writing books and screenplays. It was kind of stressful, because it still was an opportunity for employment, but at the same time, it was really nice sharing ideas and…
Rough Cuts and Dreams
So last week in class, I had a really fun scene. Not so much because I got to do something incredible, but because it was unlike most of the ones I have done lately. I was a psychiatrist, and although I did react more than was professionally acceptable, I found that I would really like to have a role where I play a shrink or a doctor or some kind of authority figure. It was a nice respite from the crying, which I have to get into for tomorrow night. I am hoping to finally get it, but I am also okay with simply improving and hopefully getting better at…
Back from the Sun :)
I’m back! I had a wonderful time in Punta Cana with all my family, but am now very ready to get back to the grind of the acting world. I left on the 1st and only got back on the 15th, which has only left me a few days to get back to work, but I have been scouring the casting websites, submitting myself, and reconnecting with old friends in the industry. I definitely want to have a successful acting career, but think it would be incredible to be able to get there along with my friends, like how Adam Sandler has his friends in all of his movies, or…
To the New Year!
I had planned to post over the holidays, but decided to just relax and spend a lot of time with family instead, and I hope all of you did the same 🙂 I feel like I did pretty good for my 2013 resolutions, and even for my 25 under 25 (10 out of 25, although some need to be redone). I finished a screenplay instead of a story, and used this instead of actually building my own website, but I now know what I want in an agent, and I should soon be getting the footage that will allow me to make a demo reel I can be proud of.…
Surprise Auditions and Getting Ready
So last week, pretty much exactly when I finished the last blog post, I got an email requesting me to come to an audition that evening. It came from a girl I had submitted to in July, for something completely different, and hadn’t heard from since. Sometimes it amazes me how some auditions come to be. The audition was for a teenager, which is in my playing range, but I was the only one there who drove myself and didn’t have a parent waiting with me. Since it is for a commercial thing and not a show, I think they might actually be looking for someone that young looking, although…