My First Movie Screening
It seems like I have been having a lot of firsts lately. I have definitely not forgotten when M is for Mien and Lonely Ninja were first screened in front of audiences, but there is something very different from having a short scene within a short that is being screened along with lots of other shorts, versus being in half the scenes of an hour and a half long movie. I got there a half an hour before the movie was supposed to start so I could catch up with the director, my fellow actors, and also meet some of the actors whose names I know, but that I never…
First speaking part of 2015 :)
Yesterday I had a very contrasting and interesting day. At my day job, I had to dress in goth and be a whole lot meaner that I tend to be on a regular basis. It still terrifies me and brings me way out of my comfort zone when I do this scenario, but I feel like I am getting better at it. Or worse, depending which side of the table you’re sitting on. Afterwards, I went to shoot a scene for a student film. I have to admit, I was kind of skeptical. The emails were very professional, but then we were supposed to be filming at a grocery, and…
Back from NYC :)
I just spent an awesome weekend in New York City with my cousins. It was kind of cold and snowing, so we didn’t visit all the things we had planned, but we did get to see some major landmarks, hang out in Times Square and saw a Broadway play. It was On The Town, which I hadn’t heard of, and didn’t know anyone from the cast, but my cousin said it looked funny, and I actually really enjoyed it. We all did. We spent the night at McGee’s, the bar that inspired Maclaren’s from How I Met Your Mother. It was my cousin’s one requirement for the trip, that we…
Work, Demos and my Brand
I just got back from a day working at Mcgill. We used a lot of improv, but in an interesting way, because although the 3 of us who work there had a script, there was another person who would come in with no idea what was going on and would often throw curve balls at us. Unintentionally, but it was definitely a lesson in keeping our emotions in check, and controlling our laughter. Have I mentioned that this is probably one of the absolute best survival jobs for an actress? For like a million reasons? Well, it is. Definitely 🙂 This week I tried to update my demo reel, to…
Changes in the Air
I am now 12 days into the Self-Tape Challenge, and I am learning a lot of things. For one, I now know where I can do a self tape on my own in my house, and I am also getting comfortable with them. That isn’t to say I am amazing at them, but I am trying new things and getting confident, which was the goal of the challenge. I am also taking the opportunity to learn some monologues, but for now I keep practicing things I actually want to send in as self-tapes instead. Which is really a good and exciting thing. Whether I send it in or anything comes…
The Echelon Workshop
I just had a really productive weekend. A while ago, I contributed to the Echelon fundraising campaign, and one of the perks was a Thespian Workshop. Going in, I didn’t really know what to expect, but I had an amazing time, and learnt some interesting things. A lot of the work was improvisational in nature. I am no longer terrified of improv, but let’s just stay it still keeps me on my toes. We also had a lot of times where they asked us what we wanted to work on, or what we found hard to do and the responses reminded me of some pivotal lessons that I had clearly…
Self-tape Challenge and Getting Out There
How is everybody’s weekend going? I have been reading a lot of acting blog’s lately, notably The Working Actress, who no longer posts, but it is still interesting to see what happens for a working actress during pilot season. It’s kind of hectic and crazy but also something to aspire to. Anyway, she was posting mostly short posts pretty much every day, which I am thinking of giving a try. So don’t be surprised if I start posting more frequently, they should be pretty short and sweet 😉 So, in last Tuesdays class, we were 2 people short, which you would think would mean we finished early, but we always…
Train Like An Athlete
To start off, I would like to elaborate on the inspiring articles I read last week. I often go through phases where I am extremely motivated, before I go back to my normal self. I don’t know exactly what it was last week, maybe it had to do with reading it in two separate books within a few hours of each other, but I decided to make a commitment, that I would stick to, so I would train like an athlete for the next 5 years. It’s kind of an arbitrary deadline, because it’s not like I plan on giving up in 5 years, but it was the timeline Hugh…
Trips, Scenes and a Screening
This past week took off to a shaky start. But also a really exciting one. Due to a combination of events that I knew were excuses and not legitimate reasons, I didn’t make it to stunt class last week. I kept thinking that if it was that hard to get me to the first class, did I really want to have to convince myself to go every week? In the end, I decided I would do an intensive stunt course, so I just need to motvate myself to go once for a long time, then I will be done. I also found out that due to my mom’s injury, she…
I Caught the Bouquet :)
It has been a crazy couple of weeks, which is why this post has been a long time coming, but I will try and fill you in on all the exciting things I have been doing 🙂 First off, I finished the 30 day challenge, having exercised for at least 25 minutes every day in October. Technically, I am 31 for 31, but I would like to try it again, perhaps in January, combined with some fitness goals, like so many push ups or pull ups and so on. We will see if I can convince anyone to join that with me. As far as my other October goals, they…